Evaluation from Scott Air Force Base:
Comments: Instructors are qualified clearly knowledgeable in subject. Classroom presentations are fluid, reflecting instructors’ confidence and preparation.
Comments: It was never necessary to replace an instructor once a course was in progress. However, on several occasions the contractor adjusted instructor schedules to ensure an instructor was available following government-initiated changes to course start dates.
Was the Contractor able to provide the services required in a professional manner? Comments: The material covered in the dispatcher class is substantial, sometimes complex, and often new to most of the students. The instructors wholeheartedly spend time after class with students (or entire class) if additional help is required or requested.
Did the contractor provide clear, complete, accurate, and timely reports, deliverables, and other written correspondence? Comments: On several occasions the government scheduled aircraft dispatcher classes that concluded very close to the end of the fiscal year. Contractor was quite accommodating in submitting invoices soon enough for us to be able to use that fiscal year’s funds (since we would have lost them 1 Oct).
Were there any major discrepancies? If so, explain outcome in remarks. Comments: N/A. There were no major discrepancies.
Were you satisfied with the contractor’s overall job performance? Comments: Very pleased with overall performance. We are confident that when our students complete the course they understand the duties and responsibilities of a flight dispatcher and could function as such, and have demonstrated the ability to be trained and perform the duties of a Flight Manager for the TACC.
If you had a choice, would you do business with this contractor again? Comments: Yes.