Established 1948

77 Years

Real World Training

Sheffield provides real-world training with real-world tools. In addition to comprehensive manual flight planning instruction, our students have access to computer flight planning, weather retrieval, live traffic monitoring, and industry-used publications and charts! This system allows our graduates to be the most prepared for airline interviews and beginning their next journey into Airline Operational Control training.

Career Networking

Sheffield School offers a much greater quantity of graduate and airline testimonials than all other schools combined. Considering the vast number of Sheffield graduates within the workforce and our direct job assistance, graduating from Sheffield typically results in more career opportunities.

*Click here for future class seating & hiring updates*Hurry before it is all gone!

Flight Dispatcher Courses from the World’s Oldest & Most Reputable Aircraft Dispatcher School

Sheffield graduates from the past are hiring recent Sheffield grads – become part of a massive industry network developed over 7 decades! Apply soon since 2025, our 77th year of operation, will be our final year of FAA Part 65 Aircraft Dispatcher training.

Established in 1948, our aircraft dispatcher school in Florida has trained thousands of people from around the world on getting their FAA aircraft dispatcher license.

Sheffield School of Aeronautics 1954 and Today

Quality Flight Dispatcher Training

Due to the quality of training that Sheffield School of Aeronautics has to offer, we are contacted frequently to be the sole trainer of various airlines. We have provided training for some of the largest and smallest airlines, giving us a wider variety of experience than any other flight dispatcher school in the world. We have offered aircraft dispatcher training for Delta Air Lines, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Shanghai Airlines, South African Airways, Federal Aviation Administration, ICAO, Korean Airlines, China Southern Airlines, and numerous Dispatch Control Centers on every continent. View our massive airline customer list!

Delta and KLM Airlines

Experienced Staff

Our school’s owners, president, examiners, and instructors have accumulated decades of experience in all aspects of aviation. This experience includes aircraft dispatching, airline initial, recurrent, and transition training, airline transport pilots, air traffic controllers, aerospace engineering, performance analysis, meteorologists, etc. This cumulative experience helps facilitate the learning process.

Employment Assistance & FREE Training/Tech Support

At Sheffield School of Aeronautics, we believe in not only training our graduates, but actively assisting them in their job search. Along with our aircraft dispatcher courses, EACH of our graduates will receive a unique ID and password to enter our employment opportunities section as well as our interactive online refresher training sections. Hiring managers can even access our student/grad resumes online, if desired!

Our aircraft dispatcher school will also answer technical questions from our graduates that may arise during a work shift as well as assist airlines in rewriting dispatch procedures. This total commitment is the reason that we have consistently been the premier aircraft dispatcher school in the business for nearly 74 years and why we are universally respected in this industry.

Class picture - Aircraft Dispatcher graduates

Our recent April-May 2018 Graduating Class!

A Dispatcher Program Designed With Your Future in Mind

As an FAA approved knowledge testing center, we will train you to not only meet but exceed FAA standards. After our students graduate, they are a part of Sheffield School of Aeronautics for life, not just the couple of weeks they were here. We believe in providing quality and service to our students. Because of this standard, we assist them in their career endeavors, push them to a limit they may have never been before, and give them the confidence to help them sustain their success within the airline industry. Our testimonial pages are overflowing with proof that our dispatcher programs are an absolute authority on airline dispatcher training. Whether you are a motivated individual with no prior aviation experience, or an individual with an airline seeking the aircraft dispatcher certificate, our objective is to provide you with the educational tools, confidence, and problem-solving skills necessary for Operational Control.

Flight Explorer screen

Flight Explorer Aircraft Situation Display (ASD)

Sheffield School of Aeronautics Welcomes You!

We welcome you to attend (or visit) our aeronautics school in beautiful Ft. Lauderdale, Florida and experience the education, housing, student assistance, and school location that are unparalleled for aircraft dispatcher schools.

Join the team that has the longevity, reputation, and stability to not only help you earn your aircraft dispatcher license but assist you throughout your career. THOUSANDS of students have made the correct decision – and so can you! Join the team that airlines prefer to hire (not fire) due to our “above standards” approach to training.

“Just wanted to let you all know that I’ve accepted an offer for Flight Superintendent with Delta Air Lines and I’m very thankful for the thorough training you all provided! You definitely run a top notch course there and it certainly helped me get the position with them. I’ve given many recommendations to attend Sheffield and will continue to recommend you all moving forward. Keep up the great work and thanks for everything! Hope all is well with the staff there!” B.D.

Our aircraft dispatcher school welcomes individuals with no aviation background, individuals with minimal aviation experience, private pilots through airline transport pilots, air traffic controllers, meteorologists, baggage handlers, construction workers, ex-military, active duty military, football coaches, engineers, flight attendants, doctors, dentists, operations personnel from around the world, flight followers, assistant dispatchers, ambulance drivers, actors, insurance salesmen, hundreds of FAA & ICAO-sponsored students, as well as graduates of other schools, etc. Our flight dispatcher school welcomes anyone who is highly motivated. We respect our students for choosing a training facility that still believes in the hard work required to earn a dispatcher license.

Feel free to call our dispatcher school (1-800-843-8289) or request a color catalog along with a full-size color brochure which includes many other job and school details. You can also view our aircraft dispatcher course catalog!

While the cost of training is a factor which must be considered, the true cost is found in the quality of the product. For this very reason we chose Sheffield. Their experience and commitment to quality in all phases of instruction is unequaled.” Hank Echols – (fmr) Director Flight Control-July 2000, (fmr) FAA Aviation Safety Inspector

After detailed research, Delta Air Lines selected Sheffield School as our exclusive teaching facility for initial Aircraft Dispatcher training. Ron Morris and his staff have the experience and expertise to deliver the superior product that Delta demands.” Frank Shea – (fmr) Director of Flight Operations & Chief Dispatcher Delta Air Lines

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  • Testimonials

    “My experience at Sheffield and my exposure to other aircraft dispatchers that did not go to Sheffield has resulted in an awareness of the superior depth and quality of the training provided by the Sheffield instructors.” CD Sidebar CD
    “Your school has offered me an incredible advantage in the Dispatcher job market.” D.K. D. Kircher
    “now that I’ve been in an indoctrination class with students from other schools, I know I made the right choice with Sheffield.”   Kindest regards,  A.R.  All schools are created equal?! yeah…sure ;)
    “Going to Sheffield prepared me for the real world challenges of Aircraft Dispatching. I certainly believe that the method Sheffield used is one not only for success in a real world career, but also one that prepares students to correctly dispatch aircraft.” T.Z. Sidebar TZ
    ” I have received 4 (job) offers…many of the interviews I have gotten have been because of my “pedigree”…going to Sheffield. I am amazed at the respect your school has….I am honored to be a graduate. Thank you for all the work you ..!”  Testimonial – J. Ganci
    “Eric Morris is one of the most if not the most knowledgeable and experienced authorities on Aircraft Dispatching in the United States. He strives constantly to make the industry better.” DH sidebar DH
    “These men represented the highest caliber of professionalism and integrity. The education I received from these gentleman has afforded me to be gainfully employed while having the opportunity to use the education received, all over this country, and more than a few others.” WG sidebar wg
    “As a graduate of Sheffield School of Aeronautics I am a firm believer that I received the most thorough and well thought out aircraft dispatcher training available. I owe my position in the industry to Sheffield School of Aeronautics.” BF Sidebar BF
    “If you want to be the best, first you need to be trained by the best!” P. Hill P.Hill – DHL
    “As a graduate of the aircraft dispatcher program at the Sheffield School of Aeronautics…My training was intense and thorough and furnished me with the requisite skills for performing my current job as a Flight Dispatch Supervisor.” N.S. Sidebar NS
    “While touring my company’s dispatch department before I had my license our OCC manager pointed out that 7 of the 10 dispatchers on shift had come from Sheffield. The overall consensus was that Sheffield grads were able to hit the ground running as they were better prepared.” K.O. Sidebar K.O.
    “Sheffield School of Aeronautics is a highly recognized and respected organization throughout the airline industry. They only produce the highest quality of graduate…” P.W. Sidebar PW
    “This school came highly recommended by multiple past students and EVEN OTHERS FROM OTHER SCHOOLS. Reputation is fantastic from multiple companies that I have worked for.” A. – September 2020
    “I am a month into my new job at a airline coming out of reorganization, and am helping the training department by referencing the excellent and up to date course book provided to all Sheffield grads.” RW RW
    “Sheffield School of Aeronautics is known worldwide for its quality training and has been recommended to me by our national airline Swiss International Airlines. Whenever I mention the name ‘Sheffield’ it rings a bell in people’s ears.” IW IW
  • Online Catalog

    Sheffield Flight Dispatch Training Catalog

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