Course Evaluation Testimonials

“This is a little over due, Sheffield is an amazing place to get your dispatch education. Great location, great instructors and great energy. This is not to say that they will just hand you a certificate, you HAVE to earn it and it isn’t easy. Hard work, dedication and focus are ingredients to being successful here. If you are looking for quality instruction from a top school this is the place to go. One of my most surprising things to find out once graduated is how much they have your back, they will support and assist you in anyway they can. If your looking for a dispatch certificate and are willing to put in honest effort…..this is the place to be.” Angel Morales via Facebook (2014 review)

July 31, 2024

“I completed your course Dec 2023 and received a position as a Flight Planning Analyst with Omni Air International in February 2024. I thought you would be glad to know because of the education I received with your school I was promoted to a supervisory position as of June this year. Keep up the amazing standard you guys set.”
Best regards,
J. Bieda  

May 25, 2024

“A great dispatch school! I did the Distance Learning + 5 course. I thoroughly enjoyed the online course and the 5 day in person portion. My instructor Brett was amazing. Truly the best instructor I’ve had in any educational environment. The material was interesting and how it was taught made it really stick. Eric was my examiner and was very fair. I felt more than prepared for my exam. Study hard and you’ll be ready. Their decades of experience really shows and I couldn’t be happier with the course. I highly recommend you choose this school, you won’t regret it. Thank you Sheffield.”

J. Phillips
May 25, 2024

July 31, 2023

“This is Jaden from your November 2021 class at Sheffield! I wanted to update you on my career! I just accepted an offer for aircraft dispatch for FedEx and I wanted to reach out to you and say thank you for everything you have taught me! I really appreciate your knowledge you have given me during the course and all of the study materials I used to study for the interview! They really came in handy!  So thank you so much!!”

Respectfully sent,
Jaden VazquezFedEx aircraft dispatcher

May 19, 2023

“Very satisfied with my experience at the course. I personally feel the class has prepared me for anything I could face in practice as a dispatcher. Thank you!”


March 31, 2023

Dear Katja, Eric and Brett,

I trust this email finds you well. I am not sure where to begin since I have so much to thank you all for. Mr. Eric for that first email in 2021 when I inquired about the school, and you shared a lot of useful information which made me make the choice to come to Sheffield. In addition, much appreciated for the practical interview which was very professional. I really appreciate.

To Mrs. Katja I really appreciate your patient when I was trying to get the visa since 2021, your assistance and patient helped a lot. Your recommendations on accommodation were also on point and I got an exceptionally good accommodation option. I will be sending a separate email to the host with you in cc on this.

To Mr. Brett, your sharing of knowledge was excellent and went a long way in answering questions at the practical test, tests in class as well as the ADX test. When I joined the physical class is when it came to mind the sacrifice you make to teach in class as well as reply to online students in the evening (like myself). This dedication is remarkable.

To all of you kindly keep up the excellent work which makes Sheffield School of Aeronautics the best in the US and for sure I have already started passing on recommendations to my colleagues in the UN WFP Aviation Service to consider Sheffield as the first choice for the Dispatcher course.

I wish all of you the best …


February 7, 2023

“Very happy in my decision to attend Sheffield School. It was a great experience, and I have learned “a lot.” Would recommend to anyone.

A. Mora

January 13, 2023

October 28, 2022


Please accept this gift in recognition for your contributions to the professional aircraft dispatch community and to me personally when I attended Sheffield in August and September of this year. The challenge coin is given to those who contribute to our GOC mission at FedEx and by helping me to receive my dispatch certification have done just that.

Vice President, Global Operations Control

FedEx aircraft dispatcher



October 13, 2022

“I hope this note finds you and the company well. Over the course of nearly 25 years, I have had a highly successful career as an aircraft dispatcher thanks to you and the fine people at Sheffield. A couple of years at Piedmont, a few months at Midway and 20 years at SkyWest.
I could not have asked for a better career. I was so lucky that being a dispatcher never seemed like work to me as I enjoyed it so much.
Now I find myself on Wake Island. I’m working base operations, airfield operations/management and flight planning alongside the military.
Everything I have learned has brought me here and none of that would have been possible without Sheffield.
Thank you, Eric. Thanks for helping me get my start way back when. You have no idea how grateful I am.
So many have come through the Sheffield doors and came out with the tools for a great career! You all have made such a difference for so many.
Take care of yourself,
Joe De Los Santos. October 13, 2022

October 5, 2022

“Both Brett and Eric have been amazing instructors. I have never in my life seen instructors so consistently maintain the same energy and positive attitude day in and day out…Every detail, even the most obscure question, they had an answer for. They consistently set us up for success through teaching, comprehensive handouts, and detailed explanations on missed test questions. Without a doubt the most difficult course I have attended with some of the most competent and outstanding instructors I’ve had the pleasure of learning from.”


August 5, 2022

“Brett is indeed one of the best instructors I have ever met in my 20+ years career. He fits perfectly into this profile. Patient, understanding, humorous, and has great knowledge about the subject matter. It’s rare to have these qualities all in one instructor. That makes him outstanding.”

August 4, 2022

“This has been an amazing experience.”


June 28, 2022

and i am proud to be a Sheffield graduate.

May 21, 2022


I just wanted to thank you for all that have you have done for our class and for me personally over the last 5 weeks. You both are truly wonderful instructors and beacons of aeronautical information.

This has been the most challenging yet rewarding 5 weeks of my 26 years of life but I’m truly amazed at how much I’ve grown. I have no one to thank besides the both of you and your wonderful curriculum.

Your efforts are beyond appreciated and thank you for pushing me out of my comfort zone and into the fire that is Aircraft Dispatching.


May 20, 2022

“Great job! I like the use of the B-727-200 with manual flight planning as it requires focus on the principles and regulations.”

[Sheffield note: we’ve added the B737-800 and retained the B-727 for operational comparison instruction, which has never been done before in the FAR Part 65 environment!!]

May 17, 2022

“All perfect!!”


May 17, 2022

“Course had a ton of great information to not only know the dispatch rules, but the role the dispatcher plays in the airline industry.”

April 28, 2022

From LinkedIn:

“This is a fantastic school. You cannot spend money anywhere else and get a better set of caring, dedicated and professional people.”


February 11, 2022

“It was one of the best experiences I ever had. both of our instructors are natural candidates to be my role models. I really admire your passion for teaching!”


February 11, 2022

“The day I chose to Google Sheffield was the best thing that ever happened to me in a long while. I am coming out of here full of knowledge, ready for what is ahead of me. And I couldn’t achieve all this joyous moment were it not for Eric and Brett.”


February 11, 2022

“Very challenging class especially for a foreign student! And it makes it even greater when you are able to pass it! I just loved the way you taught us things and especially the extra handouts after each section. We can tell that you want us to succeed, our part of the deal is then to reach it.”


February 11, 2022

“I am very grateful to have taken this class. I appreciate both Eric and Brett for the opportunity to learn with them! I will do my best to spread the good knowledge” 🙂

February 11, 2022

“Extremely well-taught course and I had the BEST time!”


November 18, 2021

Fri, Oct 22, 2021 at 4:56 PM
Subject: I Have Been Hired

I was offered and have accepted a position as a flight dispatcher with CommutAir. My training begins on November 1st so things have been moving pretty quickly. I was contacted that same day I applied and was pretty quickly set up with a second interview and both interviewers seemed impressed with my knowledge. I am grateful for the incredible quality of the education that you have provided to me and others which has clearly cultivated a well respected identity within the industry.

Thank you all so much for preparing people to become quality dispatchers.



November 12, 2021

“Very great course!! I really appreciate all of your work.”

November 12, 2021

“This course was one of the hardest things I have done. However, it has been one of the most eye opening things. It helped me realize that I really do want to be in this industry and has reaffirmed my choice to attend Sheffield.”

November 12, 2021

“Hands down the best course I’ve ever taken. The use of multiple presentations of info, the willingness to explain and answer questions, and thought-provoking lectures has led me to a wealth of knowledge over the last 5 weeks. Thank you!”

October 17, 2021

Date: Sat, Oct 16, 2021 at 11:32 AM
Subject: AA Dispatch
Incredibly excited to share the news that I have been selected for dispatch with American Airlines. I begin my course room training Feb 7th for 6 weeks then will transfer to on job training thereafter.
I just wanted to thank you and all you guys there for what you do and how well you do it. I had a great time in your guys’ course and felt like you all did a great job in ensuring your students really learn, understand and are competent in dispatch material. Huge thanks to you all at Sheffiled. 
Super excited to take this next step, which very well may be my last step, in my career. It’s been my dream since discovering the position to get hired on with my company in dispatch. You guys are a big part of why I was prepared for my interview. I owe you guys a big thanks.
R.S. – 2019 graduate

American Airlines logo


October 14, 2021

“Thank you for kicking my butt!” A.

“Sheffield exceeded my expectation. A lot more information than what I would expect!” A. 

“The presentation of material is beyond excellent. I was worried that I would struggle to focus for such a long period of time, but the lectures were consistently engaging. Thank you for providing such an excellent environment to learn in.” A. 

“Best school in the world!!! Thank you so much.” M.M.

October 7, 2021

September 22, 2021 (FB message)

Just wanted to let you all know that I’ve accepted an offer for Flight Superintendent with Delta Air Lines and I’m very thankful for the thorough training you all provided! You definitely run a top notch course there and it certainly helped me get the position with them.

I’ve given many recommendations to attend Sheffield and will continue to recommend you all moving forward. Keep up the great work and thanks for everything! Hope all is well with the staff there!


April 12, 2021

Good Afternoon Eric,

After applying several places these last few weeks, I’m very pleased to announce that I have accepted an offer at Commutair! who charters flights for United out of North Olmsted, Ohio. I completed a technical interview with them yesterday. 
I feel very proud with my choice of Sheffield with the wealth of material I have in my possession and the experience I had. I’ve had almost every airline I’ve applied reach out to me for a quick conversation and I believe part of that has to do with the Sheffield name. Also I gotta thank you for the accommodations, they were very cozy, roomy, and really helped me stay focused. They were above my expectations. I have been working hard on reviewing the material and sounding very CLEAR and solid with my answers … 
Kind regards
Sam R.

April 8, 2021

“now that I’ve been in an indoctrination class with students from other schools, I know I made the right choice with Sheffield.”
Kindest regards, 

April 8, 2021

Hi Eric,

..I just wanted to let you (& Brett) know that I was hired at Mesa Airlines out here in Phoenix, AZ!

I have “officially” been on the desk for about 3 weeks and I feel fully prepared. I still utilize the Sheffield binder that we received! Also, many of my managers are familiar with Sheffield and view your school in an extremely positive light…

I wanted to say thank you for preparing me for this career that I already love. And to Brett for teaching me all the things that will prepare me for future success in the aviation industry!

I also wanted to point out that I love that Sheffield is starting a recurrent course! I will definitely be utilizing this in the future if I ever feel a little rusty, or maybe just to come visit and say hi!..


April 4, 2021

5 Star Review to Google Business & Facebook

April 4, 2021

Sheffield offer an insightful, challenging, and rewarding course to obtain your FAA Aircraft Dispatcher License. Eric and Brett are industry veterans who are terrific role models and incorporate a great sense of humor and insight into the curriculum. I completed the course via a combination of online training and two weeks in class.

As a commercial pilot and flight instructor, I found the course informative and accretive in terms of widening my knowledge of the aviation industry and particularly operational requirements on the airline side of the spectrum. If you work hard, complete the required assignments and homework, and are prepared to dedicate a few weeks/months of you life to rigorous study than you will pass and succeed (regardless of whether you come from an aviation background or not). Eric and Brett provide all the tools and resources you need to do well, and I can’t complement them enough for putting together a terrific program.

There is nothing antiquated about the program (to the individual who mentions working with 727 systems). We utilized industry-based materials in class, discuss modern aircraft communications, and use the 727 as a template to model flight plans and performance metrics in large part due to some of the quirks of the aircraft to show one how to manage dispatch planning in the event they do find themselves planning a flight for a plane with inop equipment or with a quirky aircraft.

This course is designed to be challenging so that when it comes to real world dispatching and not to mention the FAA practical you are more than well prepared. Thank you for having me as a student!


March 30, 2021

“Great teaching methods and skills from both instructors. Thank you!”

March 25, 2021

Course Evaluation:

(All excellent).
“I have already recommended this course to a few of my military friends, hopefully they will sign up soon!”

J.O. – Active Duty USAF
(2-week course graduate)

March 6, 2021

Thu, Apr 25, 2019 at 7:27 PM

After graduating in September, I was immediately offered a job with SkyWest Airlines and have been working as a Dispatcher for the last six months in St George, UT at the SkyWest OCC. Being that half my new hire class dropped out over the course of training, I can confidently say that Sheffield helped to prepare me for the real world. I also want to personally thank you for the time you took to explain to me performance limitations when I was struggling with this subject. I’m probably one of the few ..who can confidently understand why we are weight restricted in a given scenario, and actively take steps to mitigate restrictions and ultimately make the pilots (and pax) very happy. It’s a direct result of what I learned at Sheffield, and  it shows that others were not thought this. I’m excelling, and it’s exciting.

Many thanks, 

February 11, 2021

I did not get a chance to see you after my practical today but I just wanted to thank you again for all of your help these last few months. This was a course that was certainly challenging but you made it more enjoyable each day. You did an exceptional job explaining all of the information and answered every question I had thoroughly and made sure everything was cleared up. 
After working with you in person for the last seven days, it is clear to me why everyone leaves Sheffield speaking very highly of you and Eric. I certainly will be doing the same.
Thank you for kicking my butt the last few months and I am excited for the new opportunities ahead that you will have helped me achieve…
Again, thank you so incredibly much for being a great instructor.
Best Regards,

February 5, 2021

“I learned a lot from this course, which will help me to perform my aviation duties very well.”


February 5, 2021

“Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.”


February 5, 2021

Challenging,  but well worth all of the long hours and sleepless nights. I feel confident that all of my weak areas were aided by tremendously by the guidance and instruction I received throughout the class.


February 5, 2021

Overall very satisfied with this class and Sheffield. The instruction knowledge went above just reading the regulations and weather and helped with applying the course content to real-life scenarios.


February 5, 2021

Eric and Brett are the best teachers I have met so far; very professional and entertaining in class. I enjoyed the experience and as I said earlier, I will absolutely highly recommend Sheffield. Thank you!


October 19, 2020

Dear Eric,
Hello, I just wanted to check in now that it has been a few months since being at Sheffield. I applied for the dispatcher position that you posted for National Airlines and found out last Thursday I got the job! I start November 2. I am so excited! Thank you for having such a great program that helped prepare me to be able to get such a great position at a great company. I appreciate everything you have done for me and am very excited for the future! 
Best regards,
M. Laughlin 
National Airlines

February 8, 2020

Good afternoon Eric,

I wanted to reach out to let you know that training at (airline) is in full swing and I couldn’t be happier that I chose Sheffield. My classmates, while very smart, definitely had subpar training and that has been very evident. I have waited to write a full scale review of the school until I was able to get my hands dirty at (airline) to see what the working world was really like. I can safely say I will be writing a wonderful review of the school and am encouraging others to attend. Big thanks to (Sheffield) for the top notch instruction.
All the best,

February 7, 2020

Hello Brett,

I just wanted to say thank you so much for your dedication to your job. I highly respect you and regard you as one of the best instructor/teachers I’ve ever known. You uphold the standard of excellence in such a way that it compels your students to get better every day. I want you to know that every error in my work and studies has driven me to learn from it. Each failure is an opportunity to learn from it and to get better. I must commend you that you are a gifted communicator. You can take very complex ideas and explain them in ways that make the material accessible and memorable. Thank you for doing what you do day in and day out to help mold students into what they need to be. I look forward to initial training with an airline to continue to learn more each day. Continuous learning is the minimum requirement for success in any field.

I am so grateful for this educational experience and I wanted to make sure that I properly expressed gratitude to you. Keep up the very important work that you do!

-R.S. – Feb 2020 graduate

December 19, 2019

“I honestly think the course lived up to its reputation. Yes, it was difficult! But I do feel prepared to walk into any interview and walk out with a job offer. I was contacted by Endeavor for an interview before I had even finished my final exam. Brett was a fantastic instructor and you can tell he has a natural ability to teach. Overall, I was very happy that I chose Sheffield and have enjoyed my time here. Thank you!”


December 19, 2019

“Instructors were phenomenal and have a great understanding of the material. Thank you for a great, great breakdown of the material.”


December 17, 2019

Hi Eric.

Finally scored my dream job of dispatch at Southwest Airlines. Thanks for everything you all prepared me for and know that, a couple years after graduation, my interview panel still pointed out ”Sheffield grad eh”. Some say it doesn’t matter where you get your certificate. Anyone having been in my seat a few weeks ago knows  differently. Thanks again!


Southwest Airlines hires Sheffield aircraft dispatcher graduate

December 14, 2019

Hi Eric,

I’m going to be hiring a class of up to 12 dispatchers in February of this year. If you’d like, I would be happy to come in and talk to your classes…I’d be much more comfortable taking a Sheffield grad than someone from someplace else.

Also, if you have any (excellent students) in class please let me know. (xxxx xxxx) has been an awesome addition to the team here and I certainly appreciate you recommending him.

Have a great holiday,

xxxx xxxx
Manager, Flight Dispatch
xxxxx Airlines, Inc.

September 7, 2019

I came in as a complete newbie. No prior aviation experience. I went to Sheffield 10 years ago. I was in a class with many students who had dispatch experience. It was five weeks of very intense classroom, and I spent every day and night after class studying. I thought at times I was not going to make it, but somehow, I passed everything. I worked for 3 years at a regional airline in Arizona, before going back to the DFW area to do dispatch for a corporate aviation airline for 6 years. I have since moved on from aviation, but it was a great experience for me. … I appreciate the intensity of the school. Thank you again, Eric.

September 7, 2019

I believe that Sheffield was a smart choice for myself and helped me have a strong command of the dispatch function and was more than adequate in preparing me for my Flight Dispatch career. Having worked with, trained, and hired dispatchers, Sheffield graduates consistently prove to have a better grasp on the regulatory and flight planning aspects of the job. That doesn’t mean that other schools didn’t do an adequate job but there was always, IMO, a clear distinction. Of those that did well coming from other schools, it usually could be attributed to personal work ethic and extra work on their part. One thing guaranteed of a Sheffield graduate is that they can read a METAR or TAF (weather reports/forecasts) with fluency and know what they just read (including remarks).

M. Bowden

March 28, 2019

…I just wanted to say thank you for the education that I received at Sheffield.  I have also recently accepted a position as Aircraft dispatcher with Republic Airways in Indianapolis.
Ruben is an amazing instructor, one can tell that he really loves his job.  He takes the time to make sure that everyone understands the material and answers all questions that students have while keeping the class on schedule.  If a student has questions Ruben offers one on one time at the end of class everyday.  Ruben and Brett both have a way of making the complex wording of the regulations into a context that is far less daunting and easier to comprehend (No alternate required for a flag flight). 
Eric is a person that has amazing stories and is also a great examiner.  He made my practical much more relaxed and helped calm my nerves.  He uses the stories he tells you as situational questions, during the story he asked questions about what I would do if I was in the same situation.  
Lizett is a great help when it comes to the office related issues and paperwork.  She had the answer to all my questions from the first phone call in December 2017 to the last day that I was there.  She always has a smile on her face and as the first person you meet from Sheffield she makes it feel warm and inviting. 
The Five week course was challenging and took a lot of hard work, It is a course that what you put in is what you get out of it.  The entire staff is there to help you along the way, if you need help its only a short question or email away. I can say first hand that Sheffield had made me prepared for the airline interview process. 

March 27, 2019

Brett (online course instructor),
I wanted to thank you again for the time spent working with me during the past few months and the two weeks I was here in FLL (Plantation, FL – Sheffield School). The amount of information I learned in this class was more than I learned in my four years of college and the 5+ years in the airlines. I thank you for being tough and thorough even if it was for something simple as putting a ‘ at the end of a ceiling or RVR. 
This course was designed perfectly for someone who wants to succeed and absorb not only the basic information, but even more to further their career in the airlines and put themselves ahead of the potential hiring candidates.
Again, thank you very much! … 
Southwest Airlines hires Sheffield aircraft dispatcher graduate

February 12, 2019

Great Prep App!!!

5 Stars

“If you want to pass your ADX exam this is the app to do it on! Provides detailed explanations on every question! Worth every penny and highly recommend Sheffield to get your aircraft dispatcher’s license!!! Instructors are highly knowledgeable, patient and friendly.”

Joshua Grady
FedEx Express

fedex logo

November 7, 2018

11/07/2018 16:17pm

“Would not be where I am today without the great instruction and career guidance I received at Sheffield 25 years ago. The Morrises are a wonderful family.”


August 22, 2018

I was very pleased with my experience and was impressed with their over all ability to convey the material required.  I quickly landed a job dispatching after my course and couldn’t be happier.  

I recommend Sheffield to all prospective dispatchers.

Nick B.

August 11, 2018

Excellent school. Excellent program. Very good instructors with easy to understand graphs and examples of dispatching. I was in the 1-week course and the online modules were very informative. The instructors really took the time to explain literally everything online. I was very impressed with the online portion of the school as well as the 1-week class. Also understanding how to do the flight plans, the instructor goes over everything. Even all the little “gotchas” that can make your flight plan invalid (examples, contaminated runways, icing, headwinds vs tailwinds) the instructor explains everything. I recommend Sheffield to anyone interested in becoming an Aircraft Dispatcher. Excellent school with top notch instructors and material.
– JD Atlanta, GA

August 10, 2018

Hey Eric and Brett,

Thanks again for everything you, the school, and it’s staff have done for me. Really top notch, and I’m proud to say I have graduated from your school.. If there’s anything I can do for you or the school let me know.


May 22, 2018

To Brett – online training
I just wanted to write to you and give you my thanks for all the help you provided me along my journey to earn a dispatcher license. It all started on February 13th, … It was certainly an intense 3 months but you were always available and so responsive to emails which was a great help. I learned a lot from the email correspondence we had over the past 3 months. I remember struggling through certain areas, one in particular on a weekend and you came back with a reference on where to find the information so quickly. That meant a lot to me among other things and I am so glad I was successful in the course.

Finally getting the chance to meet you at the school was a pleasure and you were very helpful along the way. The Sheffield team works long and dedicated hours to ensure the students are successful and that certainly meant a lot to me as well. ..I know the education I earned from your instruction at Sheffield will serve me well. I will be sure to stay in touch and wish you well in your future endeavors. Sheffield will be well recommended for those who ask for my feedback on the experience.

Best regards,

Sean C.

April 9, 2018

Dear Eric,

I just want to thank your school, the whole faculty and Lizett from admin.

Let me share my experience in your school..
First of all, Lizett was such a great help for me in the whole enrolment process.
Second, Ruben was indeed a great instructor.
Many times, I felt like giving up as the course was like a shock to me. I failed in two of my exams but Ruben never failed to help me and explain sections which I don’t fully understand. He may not know this but I got encouraged with the career experiences he shared with us in class.
Third, my oral exam was like a roller coaster ride.
But gladly, you were very patient to me. Kept on digging what knowledge I have earned while studying in your school.
And lastly, your school prepares students for what waits ahead of us.

Overall, it was an awesome experience. I’ll keep studying and make sure my future boss see how great Sheffield trains there students for their future endeavours.

I highly recommend your school to anyone who would like to upgrade their career in the aviation industry.

Sheffield Graduate – March 2018

April 6, 2018

“Excellent courses (AIFP, ETOPS, EWINS), compliment initial class perfectly. Many thanks!”


March 29, 2018

” I have received 4 (job) offers…many of the interviews I have gotten have been because of my “pedigree”…going to SheffieldI am amazed at the respect your school has….I am honored to be a graduate. Thank you for all the work you ..!” 

December 15, 2017

Fri, Dec 15, 2017 at 3:34 PM
Subject: Dispatcher Position/Thanks
Good afternoon,

I have just accepted a Flight Superintendent (Dispatcher) position with Delta Air Lines. Today is 12/15; I graduated from Sheffield with my Dispatcher License on 11/8 (just over a month!). I want to share my sincere thanks to Sheffield; the school that made this all possible. From your very knowledgeable and diligent instructors (Personally, (the instruction) for my two week course, and Brett for my online course) to the well-organized administration and Eric, it was an excellent experience.

If I could, I would do it all over again.
Thank you Sheffield School of Aeronautics
C. Nunez


Delta Air Lines dispatcher

September 14, 2017

“Course was very hard, but rewarding. (The online instructor) was a huge help online.”


September 6, 2017

“Very professional…appreciated the humor..”


August 21, 2017

“(The instructors) have been excellent with their teaching, and made us understand all the topics very well.”


June 26, 2017

Sheffield is one of the greatest decisions I have ever made. The school is such an incredible quality, and the staff are amazing. The classroom instruction is top notch, and the staff all know dispatching inside and out. What I didn’t expect was how great Sheffield was for not only learning, but also for the connections you can make and the help Sheffield offers you after graduation. I look back and have not a doubt in my bones that Sheffield was the absolute best choice I made on my path to acquire my dispatch certificate.

J. E.
June 22 2017 – from FB review

August 15, 2016

…I got hired by Privaira Air charter here in Boca Raton. Interview went great and when it came down to deciding factor the panel decided to hire me since I was a grad from Sheffield. My immediate manager himself was enrolled in Sheffield so he knew how great you guys are and the hard work you put in to get the grads ready for the real world.
Although I am nervous and excited at same time to start this new journey I cannot thank enough for all you guys do…as I go back to my notes and Sheffield powerpoints, all I can say is Eric does great job putting together his notes and getting students ready in this exciting field. 
I cannot thank enough for valuable knowledge Ruben and Brett have provided to me. 
Thank you,
N. P.

May 20, 2016

“I thought Mike did an excellent job throughout the course, particularly in his ability to remain patient with all students.” A.

“Mike is a freaking awesome teacher!” A.

“Thank you to Mike, Brett, and the rest of the staff for all of your instruction and help over the past five weeks. The material and concepts were presented in a way that made everything easy to understand and grasp.” E.L.

“I was very impressed with (Mikes’s) knowledge and teaching abilities. His patience was awesome. Looking forward to coming back to visit! Thank you all very much!” R.M.

“Thanks for guiding me through a really tough course! Hope your next class, and the class after next will be fantastic! K.

“Thank you for all the knowledge and help!” A.

“Mike was excellent at teaching material and doing his best to keep the material taught interesting. Keep bringing more snacks!” A.

[Sheffield reply: We will; however, the average student weight gain appears to be about 1/2 pound per week :)]

March 31, 2016

Applied to Southwest Airlines Assistant Dispatcher posting & I’m very glad I came here to prepare me for that! Thank you for everything & I will keep you posted!


March 1, 2016

Retired United Airlines – Sheffield is an outstanding school. Very good reputation in industry – will make sure you get your FAA practical exam.


United Airlines logo

February 12, 2016

Amazing school! Eric and Brett are a hell of a team. I’m a high school drop out who knew nothing about aviation. I’ve been crew scheduling for three months now, just got promoted to planning and now I’m about to transfer to dispatch. If you’re going to dispatch, choose the school that does it the best. Choose Sheffield! You will not be disappointed.

Feb 12, 2016

February 9, 2016

“The most intense thing I’ve ever done. Weakness at Sheffield is not acceptable. You survive this because you earned it.”

Graduate of 1-week course – Feb/2016

December 18, 2015


I just wanted to write and thank you for the spectacular program you are running there at Sheffield. I graduated Nov. 13 and I just got a job as a dispatcher for Skywest airlines starting in January. I really enjoyed the 5 week course and have no doubt that it was worth every penny. The interview process with Skywest great and I felt very well prepared thanks to all of you. I would recommend Sheffield to anyone looking at becoming an aircraft dispatcher, I feel like I received the best training that I possibly could at your school. I am very excited to start my career at Skywest and everyone there made it possible. My thanks goes out to everyone there. 

Nov. 2015 graduate

July 10, 2015

“Great, interesting (EWINS) course!”


March 28, 2014

From a group in a recent class (March 2014)

“The course truly exceeded my expectations. It was the proper balance of pace of course and material. It pushed some to the breaking points, but overall made most excel. It also made me realize how much I can learn and push myself. Also, having the experience of conversing with international students was one of the best aspects to me. Thank you!”
M. Stewart

“It has been a great pleasure meeting you all and experiencing this course. In my 18 years of aviation, this has been the most challenging yet. It is also the most rewarding. Thank you for the hard work and dedication to the dispatcher industry.”
Robbie H.

“Rubin you are a great instructor!!”

“Was a tough course but was presented well and really learned a lot.”

“The experience has been exceptional. Thank you.”

February 14, 2014

“The AIFP, ETOPS, & EWINS courses provided additional information and understanding on the topics that I did not have (earlier). The courses were worth attending and I would recommend that others attend.”

D. Brogan

February 14, 2014

“Excellent complement after completing the (certification) course!”


February 14, 2014

“Thanks for everything. I learned so much and can’t wait to go back to work & apply all the information I got at this school! Thanks!”

C.S. (Germany)

November 16, 2013

“Just wanted to send you guys an email to say thanks again for everything. The (2-week) course was great, and I feel very well prepared for whatever the future of my career might hold. You guys are great. I really appreciate you pushing us, and I really appreciate you being a school that stands for excellence. I will stay in touch. Thanks again!!!”

Mike S.

November 12, 2013

Dear Sheffield team,

I cannot express my gratitude and satisfaction with the course presented. Your instuctors’ knowledge, the quality of training, the difficult exams (no prisoners) really helped me to regain confidence with my dispatch experience after 25 years in the aviation business.
I was under impression that there was nothing more to learn!
What an eye opener…
Sheffield (dispatcher) course is not for faint-hearted, what a ride..
Once again, Eric thank you for this unforgettable experience and thanks to your competent team…
May you soar high!!!
’Uncle Tony’
Johannesburg, RSA

October 28, 2013

Hello Eric!

I’m pleased to tell you that I have successfully passed initial training at Silver Airways. This is all thanks to you and your incredible school. I feel Sheffield laid the foundation for me and it was a smooth transition. And again, thank you so much for giving me that recommendation…Anyways, I wish you and the rest of the Sheffield faculty the best and to remain the best Aircraft Dispatch School in the world!


Antonio Zuniga

October 28, 2013

“Excellent refresher in most things weather related. I did not realize how much I have forgotten in 35 years. I’ll recommend others from my company attend.”


October 28, 2013

“The instructor has such exceptional poise and command of the material, answered all questions thoroughly and succinctly, and provided one of the singularly exceptional learning environments I’ve ever experienced. I couldn’t recommend these courses enough!

David H. Plotkin

September 27, 2013

“Instructor was excellent and I feel prepared to pass the practical and enter the dispatching profession!” A.

September 27, 2013

“This has been a very challenging course, but all instructors have been very helpful through everything.” A.

September 27, 2013

“You have a fantastic instructor and I really enjoyed the course! Choosing Sheffield was the best decision I could have made! Thank you for everything!” A.

September 27, 2013

“Excellent school. If I had to start my aviation career again, it would be here. Thank you for everything!! To everybody.” A.

March 21, 2013

“This course has helped me a lot! Not only do I stand a chance of being a good dispatcher, but also a great pilot! Now I have a lot to look forward to in the well-oiled machinery of commercial aviation.”

March 19, 2013

“This was a very well-planned and professional class. I am very happy to have passed, and I do think this was the best investment I have ever made.”

September 1, 2010

“I had a great time and I learned so much in the short time I was here. Everyone is extremely professional. It was hard, but I’m glad it was hard!”

“Really impressed with this course. I’ve learned so much..overall the class was great. Thanks for a nice 5 weeks.”

“Jordan is an excellent instructor. He knows the material and airline industry very well (I wonder how he knows half the things he knows)…I am glad I came to Sheffield. I learned a lot – not just the aviation side, but a general knowledge of life in the real world.”

July 1, 2009

“I had a very good time here. It was fun and interesting. Thanks a lot!”

“I had the time of my life!”

“Brett was one of the best techers I’ve ever had in all my years of education, including college.”

July 1, 2009

“I’m extremely thankful that I was able to attend Sheffield. I had heard so much about it. I will certainly praise the school and thanks again for allowing me the opportunity to attend!”

July 1, 2009

“Thank you all for a stressful, but very nice time at Sheffield!”

“Keep up the good work!”

March 1, 2009

“It was a pleasure to learn here at Sheffield. It was a hard and good last 6 weeks, but I now know why I did it! It was a very good experience, thank you for that!”

March 1, 2009

“Intense, but learned so much!”

March 1, 2009

“Thanks for everything. I really enjoyed my time here – it was great!”

November 25, 2008

Dear Eric,

I just wanted to write and thank you and your parents for the great career that you helped me achieve. The courses I took at Sheffield prepared me well for the airline industry. The week of my graduation, I was interviewed and hired at ATA (American Trans Air) as a dispatcher. I gained valuable experience there doing a lot of international and ETOPS work. I moved on after ATA and became a Dispatcher, SOC Supervisor, and currently a Dispatch Instructor and CRJ Ground Instructor for pilots at Pinnacle Airlines (Northwest Airlink/Delta Connection). My investment at Sheffield paid for itself almost immediately!

If anyone would like to contact me with questions, feel free! We have been hiring dispatchers continuously the entire four and a half years I have been employed at Pinnacle, and still are.

My experience at Sheffield was five star. The school, staff, and accommodations were all awesome. Everyone at the school was always willing to help with anything and everything!

Again, thank you for the education. Those of us that are Sheffield grads seem to have a level of knowledge that other schools haven’t instilled in their students.


Frank J. Manderino

November 1, 2008

“I thought the course was very demanding, but the satisfaction of completing it is an incredible sense of accomplishment.”

November 1, 2008

“..did an excellent job from Day 1 with all aspects of education. I am just a few credits shy of obtaining my Bachelor’s degree in Aeronautics and this has been by far the best experience and training that I have ever received! Thanks for the excellent quality of your program.

November 1, 2008

“I just explain in words what this course provided me – I can proudly say that I am a Sheffield graduate!”

October 1, 2008

“I am glad the course is difficult. I feel very prepared for when I find a position at an air carrier. Brett (instructor) is extremely knowledgeable and explains material so that it makes sense. I am glad that (some) students failed the course instead of everyone passing automatically. It shows that Sheffield cares about training quality dispatchers!”

July 1, 2008

“This course helped me tremendously. It has expanded my knowledge within the aviation industry. I am much more confident returning to the airline where I am employed. I am very happy that I decided to attend this school. The information was well-presented and I have really learned a great deal. Thank you so much for everything!”

May 1, 2008

“An excellent course, extremely well-presented. The willingness from (all instructors) to explain things until ‘the penny dropped’ was outstanding. I will come away a safer, more cautious, well-rounded professional thanks to this course and the true professionals who run it. I will recommend this school and this course to all that I come across. Once again, gentlemen, thank you for your outstanding work to make aviation a safer, more professional and fun environment to be in!!”

May 1, 2008

“Would I recommend the course to others?…without a doubt!!!”

“Have an offer from Compass – 2 more interviews scheduled after the course. Great Job!!”

“I have learnt so much from this course!”

February 1, 2008

“You all have been very helpful and understanding. I wish you all the best. Your friend in Puerto Rico!”

February 1, 2008

“Brett is an excellent instructor. For the amount of material required to go through his presentation was flawless and pushed us when needed…Anyone wanting to be a dispatcher needs to take this (school’s) course ONLY!”

October 1, 2007

“The knowledge I’ve gained during my stay at Sheffield was awesome and I feel I am a lot more knowledgeable than before. Thanks for making this course the way it is.”

October 1, 2007

“Thanks for everything, showed up without any real aviation experience, but still managed to get the most out of the course.”

“A most excellent program. The course load, presentation, and expectations, have been very beneficial in giving me a realistic picture of the world of dispatching, hopefully to start in the near future. Thank you very much!”

July 1, 2007

“The knowledge and experience gain during the course is a lifetime achievement. Friends from dispatch (my airline) said Sheffield is good. I experienced it – Sheffield is the BEST! Thank you for the special support.”

July 1, 2007

“Before this class, I couldn’t stand math. Now I actually enjoy it and look forward to learning more.”

May 1, 2007

“Very challenging and informative. Excellent classroom atmosphere. Well done. Keep up the good work!”

“You all are great at what you do. This is the Harvard of Dispatch Training!”

May 1, 2007

“Great course! Prepares you not only for an exciting career in aviation, but to handle stressful situations in real-life as well.”

March 1, 2007

“Fantastic school beyond all my expectations. A very well-run organization with the most knowledgeable flight dispatcher in the country. Wonderful experience – Thank you!”

October 1, 2006

“Many thanks for all your help getting us through the course. It’s been intense, but I have enjoyed it!”

October 1, 2006

“I think the BEST in the WORLD!”

October 1, 2006

“Brett is a skilled instructor, who cares about his student’s success. The psychology of the course delivery and structure was excellent!””Very good course. Feel like it gives me a much better knowledge for my current job.””Very pleased with the class!”

August 1, 2006

“I’m very confident that I will do well in this field!”

August 1, 2006

“Thank you for all the knowledge you have imparted, patience and assistance over these last 6 weeks!”

July 26, 2006

“Your school has offered me an incredible advantage in the Dispatcher job market.”


July 1, 2006

“Without wanting to sound “too heavy”, this course is a life-changing experience that will stick with me for the rest of my career. Keep up the excellent work and I hope to come back to your school for the extended (workshops) in the near future! Thank you!”

July 1, 2006

“It was the best course I’ve ever taken! The knowledge of the instructor and the whole curriculum was perfect. Thanks for everything!””Excellent course!!!””Really great! Nice people. Nice facility.”

March 1, 2006

“Most intense and fulfilling course I have ever taken. I am confident that I can answer any question thrown at me in an interview or initial training. Wonderful instructor! Thank you!”

August 1, 2005

“I was extremely pleased with the school overall.” “I must say the level of knowledge from the instructor(s) has far exceeded anything I have received in my 4 years at college. I am very thankful to have come here and I feel prepared for the industry.” “Excellent stuff!! Brett should be a “Dr.” He is the best!!!”Great setup, good practice for the real world! “Pressure turns coal to diamonds.”

April 1, 2005

“I felt the course was excellent. My company has had great experiences with the graduates we have hired through this course!”

July 1, 2004

“…an excellent instructor. He kept it light while at the same time giving effective instruction. One of the best aviation instructors i’ve ever met!”

May 1, 2004

“Bruce Winn is the best teacher that I have had from pre-school through my graduate studies at Harvard. I have not had an instructor who was more knowledgeable about their subject..”

July 1, 2003

“Before I came I was a little nervous about interviewing with the airlines because I felt I had forgotten a lot about the aviation industry. Sheffield has prepared me with the knowledge I need to feel confident in an interview or to go through an airline’s initial training class. I would choose Sheffield again.”

June 1, 2003

“Thanks to Scott’s instruction, wisdom, guidance, and good humor. I started the course a little nervous because I had no formal aviation background, but finished feeling prepared and eager to enter the dispatch profession. Scott made the six weeks fly by with his thorough and engaging discussions. When I felt that I had areas that needed improvement, he sat down and made everything clear to me. He was patient, very gracious with his time, and easy to follow. Thanks to his support and encouragement and I would wholeheartedly recommend Sheffield to anyone.”

June 1, 2003

“This course is a really excellent course and I have learned so much! What I like is that the instructor is very patient and at times, a comical teacher. Scott really cares about our progress and tries to bring out the best of us. He indeed has a passion for teaching. Well, keep up the good work! It has been a fun 6 weeks!!”

February 1, 2003

“Many thanks for 4 hard, but great weeks!”

October 1, 2002

“Overall, I found the course challenging and rewarding. If I decide to leave the military to pursue dispatching, I know this course will have helped me.”

July 1, 2002

“The course was a difficult, practical, and rewarding experience.”

February 1, 2002

“To be the best, learn from the best.”

February 1, 2002

“I love Sheffield School of Aeronautics!! Eric, Ron, Katja, and Bruce are great people.”

December 1, 2001

“Thank you for giving me an opportunity to receive such a comprehensive knowledge in dispatching. It is simply impossible to obtain THAT amount of information anywhere else, but Sheffield!!! Special thanks for Bruce and Brett, who exchange their knowledge with us students.”

October 1, 2001

“Very intense course. More challenging than any academic course (military or civilian) I have ever attended.”

October 1, 2001

“Having been a foreign student, the explanation and topics that were presented were of an extraordinary quality and quantity!!! However, I found the material invigorating and will definitely recommend the school to my colleagues and friends.”

October 1, 2001

“Sheffield is an excellent school. I learned more than I ever thought possible in the 6 weeks I was here. Well worth the $$$.”

October 1, 2001

“The class came highly recommended and exceeded my expectations. The instructors know their material well.”

October 1, 2001

“Pleased with the quality and intensity of the course. The instructors were very willing to help with any questions.”

August 1, 2001

“Great experience. I grew professionally and personally. More comments to come as I pursue the job. Thank you again!”

August 1, 2001

“This course went above and beyond all of my expectations. This course was difficult and challenging, but I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything less. I feel very prepared to start my new career. I highly recommend this school to anyone seeking a career as an aircraft dispatcher.”

July 1, 2001

“Probably one of the most challenging aspects of my life! Everyone on staff was very knowledgeable and energetic about the material. I’d highly recommend this course to anyone!”

February 1, 2001

“An excellent school that takes the time and energy to forge people into a new or beginning career. The staff is excellent and really cares about its students. I made an excellent choice in Sheffield.”

February 1, 2001

“The class exceeded my expectations. I enjoyed the school and all of its employees. Thanks again! I know that I will be ready for UAL!!”

February 1, 2001

“I thought the course was excellent. I would recommend it to anybody who is interested in becoming a dispatcher!”

February 1, 2001

“Had a great learning experience. Came here knowing a little, left confident and with a great starting knowledge. Thanks a bunch!”

February 1, 2001

“Very challenging & very interesting!”

October 1, 2000

“This is an excellent school and I will highly recommend it to anyone who asks.”

October 1, 2000

“I have learned more than I imagined. I would like to thank you all for accepting me into the school. This is a field I feel I can excel in thanks to knowledge I have received here.”

October 1, 2000

“Course was excellent and covered a lot more than I expected.”

May 1, 2000

“This course was much more than I expected-which is exactly what I needed. I suppose that the learning process as a dispatcher never ends, but what a great start your school has given to me. Thanks!”

May 1, 2000

“I’ve taken many difficult courses- both professional and college level- and this was by far one of the most challenging. Brett is a great teacher-one of the best ones I’ve had so far. Thanks for giving me the tools I need to succeed in this profession!”

December 1, 1999

“This class was much more than I expected. I feel this class definitely prepares me for the flight dispatcher occupation.”

March 5, 1998

From a letter (remember those?)

March 5, 1998

Mr. Ron Morris
Sheffield School of Aeronautics
499 N.W. 70th Avenue
Suite 110 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33317-7572

Dear Ron:

As you are aware, I attended your flight dispatch training course during the months of January and February 1998. Now that I’ve had some time to get back to the real world of managing the FedEx line haul system, I’ve had a little time to reflect upon my experience at Sheffield. The knowledge that I gained in school has already proven valuable in this short period of time. As your well aware of, the majority of our flight planning is done through computer based platforms. On my third day back at work, one of the “more experienced” flight dispatchers had to perform a manual flight plan. When I arrived at work, there were four very seasoned flight dispatchers attempting to complete this manual flight plan. Well, you know the rest of the story. I jumped right in the middle of it! The overall experience was a truly challenging and rewarding experience that I will not soon forget. Although, we have our own procedures/methods by which to dispatch aircraft, I feel that the basics I learned at Sheffield will provide me with an excellent foundation upon which to build and grow. I’m sure that other dispatch schools have satisfied students as well but I feel extremely fortunate to have had the opportunity to learn from the best. You and your staff are absolutely second to none, like FedEx. Once again, thanks for everything and keep up the great work.

(Those experienced dispatchers did not attend Sheffield?!)


Larry R. Mason
Manader, Surface Operations Control
Memphis, TN

FedEx aircraft dispatcher

June 1, 1996

“It was my great pleasure taking your course. Information contained in the “Green book” is excellent. Everybody at the school are kind, accommodating, eager to help, etc. just marvelous. Although it was an intense six weeks of studying, I enjoyed it very much because of wonderful people (staff, classmates, roommate). Thank you very much.”

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  • Testimonials

    “I wanted to tell you I got the job offer from Expressjet, and start next month! I think a couple others from class were hired as well. It just shows the Sheffield reputation when I see graduates from other schools complaining that they can’t get an interview – I wasn’t even back home to Minneapolis […] Dan Gustafson
    “now that I’ve been in an indoctrination class with students from other schools, I know I made the right choice with Sheffield.”   Kindest regards,  A.R.  All schools are created equal?! yeah…sure ;)
    Good afternoon Eric, I wanted to reach out to let you know that training at (airline) is in full swing and I couldn’t be happier that I chose Sheffield. My classmates, while very smart, definitely had subpar training and that has been very evident. I have waited to write a full scale review of the […] Attending Sheffield School benefits airline new hires in preparation for airline training
    “Sheffield School of Aeronautics is a highly recognized and respected organization throughout the airline industry. They only produce the highest quality of graduate…” P.W. Sidebar PW
    “As a graduate of the aircraft dispatcher program at the Sheffield School of Aeronautics…My training was intense and thorough and furnished me with the requisite skills for performing my current job as a Flight Dispatch Supervisor.” N.S. Sidebar NS
    “If you want to be the best, first you need to be trained by the best!” P. Hill P.Hill – DHL
    “Going to Sheffield prepared me for the real world challenges of Aircraft Dispatching. I certainly believe that the method Sheffield used is one not only for success in a real world career, but also one that prepares students to correctly dispatch aircraft.” T.Z. Sidebar TZ
    “Being that half my new hire class dropped out over the course of training, I can confidently say that Sheffield helped to prepare me for the real world.” GT – abridged testimonial – school selection matters
    “Your school has offered me an incredible advantage in the Dispatcher job market.” D.K. D. Kircher
    “While touring my company’s dispatch department before I had my license our OCC manager pointed out that 7 of the 10 dispatchers on shift had come from Sheffield. The overall consensus was that Sheffield grads were able to hit the ground running as they were better prepared.” K.O. Sidebar K.O.
    “These men represented the highest caliber of professionalism and integrity. The education I received from these gentleman has afforded me to be gainfully employed while having the opportunity to use the education received, all over this country, and more than a few others.” WG sidebar wg
    “I am a month into my new job at a airline coming out of reorganization, and am helping the training department by referencing the excellent and up to date course book provided to all Sheffield grads.” RW RW
    “I am a graduate of the Sheffield’s Dispatcher Program. I have been a Captain-Part 121 Airline, Certified Flight/Grnd Instructor, and FAA Designated Check Airman and Sim Instructor (Part 121). From my experience I would rate Sheffield School as outstanding in their field.” PT PT
    ” I have received 4 (job) offers…many of the interviews I have gotten have been because of my “pedigree”…going to Sheffield. I am amazed at the respect your school has….I am honored to be a graduate. Thank you for all the work you ..!”  Testimonial – J. Ganci
    “This school came highly recommended by multiple past students and EVEN OTHERS FROM OTHER SCHOOLS. Reputation is fantastic from multiple companies that I have worked for.” A. – September 2020
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