Graduate Testimonials 2014

November 24, 2014

“I wanted to tell you I got the job offer from Expressjet, and start next month! I think a couple others from class were hired as well. It just shows the Sheffield reputation when I see graduates from other schools complaining that they can’t get an interview – I wasn’t even back home to Minneapolis before they called with a job offer. So thanks for the job you do, it obviously opens doors for us as we’re going through the job hunt.”


ExpressJet hires Sheffield airline dispatcher grads

September 9, 2014

“I am still dispatching ambulance flights here in Austria. I always remember the good times in Fort Lauderdale with Sheffield almost four years ago…. It was really a good time and I learned a lot. Thank you..”


August 11, 2014

Hi Sheffield Folks,

Just wanted to let you all know that I started my first day with (company) …  I work directly under (omitted), a fellow Sheffield Grad, and he didn’t say it directly, but I know having the Sheffield connection definitely didn’t hurt when it came to getting the job.  They already seem like a great fit for me and I’m very excited to work as an Operational Controller for them.  Thanks for everything, hope all is well in FL!
Best Regards,
K. Jackson
May 2014 Grad 

July 17, 2014

Hi Eric,

Thanks again for the excellent dispatch training that I know will further all of our careers.


JUN14 Grad

July 15, 2014

Hi Eric,

Just wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know I’ve been hired as a dispatcher at Alaska, where I’ve been working in load planning for the past couple of years. I should be starting training in October. In the meantime I’ll be supporting the charter department and doing assistant-type work.

I mentioned something of this to Brett as well, but I wanted to thank you as well for the fine education I received at Sheffield and also for making your course materials available to graduates. Especially when one has been out of school for a while, those really help a lot when reviewing. I definitely felt the technical parts of my interview were the easiest.

Thanks again!

Alaska airlines hires Sheffield graduate

July 2, 2014


Wanted to let you know that I ended up landing the Assistant Dispatcher job with Southwest, and I started training this week. I’ve said it over and over again, but I really appreciate you and your school and I know that I wouldn’t have been as competitive for this job without the training that you guys provided.

Mike S.

Southwest Airlines hires Sheffield aircraft dispatcher graduate

June 26, 2014

Thanks again… Had the interview  and it went well. They were very impressed to see Sheffield on my resume, I believe that helped get my foot in the door.


Swift Air

June 25, 2014

“Hi, Eric Morris,

I wouldn’t be where I am today without your help. Sheffield and yourself prepared me with all the knowledge that I needed and much more.”

Thanks for everything.


Etihad Airlines

June 24, 2014


… As of today I am happy to inform you that I have just been selected for the next dispatch class that starts July 7th. Two other Sheffield grad’s will also be in the class with me. (that I know of)

Keep in touch,

United Airlines logo


June 18, 2014

I graduated last July 2013 from the distance learning / 5-day residency course…thanks also for the course instruction- been in Delta dispatch almost a year now – talk about a worthwhile investment!


Delta Air Lines dispatcher

June 11, 2014

“I just wanted to thank you for all of the help. I had my second interview last Friday and was offered the Assistant Dispatcher position at SWA. I’m so excited! I start down there June 30.

Thank you both, I truly appreciate what you’ve done for me!”

Southwest Airlines hires Sheffield aircraft dispatcher graduate

May 21, 2014

Thanks for your quick response to our request. I was amazed that you still remembered that I was your student in 2009. I love Sheffield and with time I have come to appreciate the training you gave me. I thought then that you were too hard on us but I have seen the difference  between myself and colleagues who attended other Dispatcher Schools. I am more knowledgeable than them in terms of practical dispatching.. Thanks a lot for the impact.

Thanks and best regards.
(kept anonymous)

Nigerian CAA - Dispatcher training at Sheffield School

May 15, 2014

Dear Friends,

How are you? I would like to say thank you again for best training ever. Now I became Flight Dispatcher Chief in our Airline and I’m very happy with that. Thank you Eric, Brett, (and everyone) for everything. Now we plan to send at least one more guy for Sheffield training and I will contact you when everything will be ready. Thanks a lot my friends!

Best Regards,

Konstantin Shalashnikov – Head of Flight DispatchDepartment – LLC Nordwind |
Nordwind airline dispatcher

March 31, 2014

Good Day Sheffield,
Its been a pleasure being a student at your school. I would love to say many thanks to the wonderful instructors and staff who have made me be the diligent dispatcher I am today. I am currently a trainee dispatcher at Fly Jamaica Airways, Jamaica’s newest airliner in operation. 
S. Watson

March 30, 2014


I wanted to pass another note of thanks to you and your staff.

Everyone was very fair, the attention to detail in the courseware was great, and this experience made me proud of the profession we all lead.

Again, thank you for the intense but yet relaxed approach you bring to the learning process and allow your staff to manage our learning as they do very well.

All the best in the future and trust me, all I will be talking about is Sheffield when it comes to training at its finest.

R. Hughes

March 11, 2014

Good Morning Eric!

I would like to thank you once again for an incredible experience and the knowledge you gave not only me but a lot of upcoming professionals in the aviation industry. I have been building my experience in a PART 121 carrier here in FLL. ..Everything you taught me at school, I am putting it into practice here. Eric once again thanks for an incredible experience. Seriously I feel like an aviation expert after graduating from Sheffield.
Best Regards,
Antonio T. Baez Bonilla

March 10, 2014

Dear Mr Morris,

Thank you for your recommendation letter, I really appreciate it. As I told to Mr Bories on the day of my final exam, I will definitely be spending an outstanding word about your School. I really enjoyed the course, the professionality of the staff and all the organization behind all the services you offered. The expectations given by your School’s reputation were confirmed..

In the meantime please greet all the staff from me. I really appreciated their work.
Best Regards,
Agostino P.

February 26, 2014

Dear Mr. Morris:

…I did little research of my own among the 100 or so dispatchers we employ with our Chautauqua, Shuttle America and Republic operations. The unanimous recommendation for schools to consider was Sheffield.


Republic Airways Holding logo


February 26, 2014

“…I am still here at United. I am an instructor now and enjoy doing that. Hope everything is going good down in Florida. I really enjoyed my time there and the quality training I received from you and your school.”
Take care,
United Airlines logo

February 19, 2014

Dear Mr. Morris,

..I found your school to be the best there is. I have done my research with other dispatching schools and it seems like they don’t even come close to the quality and assistance like Sheffield offers. That is why I have made the decision to invest my time and money to attend your Distance Learning for the dispatching certificate. I plan to start online April 1st, 2014 (June 25th residency). …I’ve heard many good things about the Sheffield programs and more so the faculty. I am excited to be part of the program and look forward to personally meeting everyone there! 
A. N.

February 19, 2014

“If you want to be the best, first you need to be trained by the best!”

P. Hill
DHL logo

February 18, 2014


(A Sheffield graduate) is a client of mine and he told me to tell you hi. Being alumni from Sheffield goes farther than what some people think. It creates an immediate bond because you know you are dealing with someone who has been trained by the best. After speaking with him it was refreshing to know you still hold the highest standards in the industry and your course still produces the most desirable candidates makes me proud to have attended and be a part of your School’s family.  Very shortly I will be more involved in hiring new flight planners …

Sr. Manager Technical Planning

February 16, 2014

“I got the job at UAL as an assistant dispatcher… Thanks for everything!”


United Airlines logo

February 14, 2014

“I’d just like to pass you my thanks for everything that you’ve done for (our employees). I was in very regular contact with them and they couldn’t speak highly enough of your instructors and staff. I met them both with a bottle of Bubbly when they arrived back on Tuesday evening and we are going to take them out for a big celebratory meal! Thanks, once again.
Flight Operations Manager
DHL Air Ltd.
East Midlands Airport – Derby UK

DHL logo 


February 14, 2014

“The AIFP, ETOPS, & EWINS courses provided additional information and understanding on the topics that I did not have (earlier). The courses were worth attending and I would recommend that others attend.”

D. Brogan

February 14, 2014

“Excellent complement after completing the (certification) course!”


February 14, 2014

“Thanks for everything. I learned so much and can’t wait to go back to work & apply all the information I got at this school! Thanks!”

C.S. (Germany)

January 27, 2014

“Airlines do indeed take a look at where you went to school. Especially if you’re coming into your first job. Take it from a guy that has hired dispatchers in the past. Some (schools) go above and beyond the rather basic Part 65 requirements and this is where they differ and airlines notice. Every school has indeed placed some of their graduates, however school selection is one of those little things that can give you a small leg up over the competition.

Your school decision lays the foundation for your whole career!”


January 26, 2014

A Scheduler Success Story about one of our graduates!

January 23, 2014

Hi Brett!

I hope everything is going great over there for you guys at Sheffield. The new website is looking very nice.

I want to take this opportunity to thank you and Eric for the excellent job you do.

From the moment I started Phase I online, I knew it was a hard and fast-paced program. There were tough times along the way, but thanks to your advices and understanding I was able to complete it. You have a great instructor. From the get-go he was straight forward about how tough the course would be if we didn’t work hard for it. At the same time, he was there to help every step of the way, not just as an instructor, but as person who genuinely wanted you to succeed.

We’ll begin training soon at Global Ops Center / Western Global Airlines in Sarasota, FL and I can’t wait to put my experience and knowledge to good use.

Once again, thank you so much for everything and I wish you all the best. Aviation is a small world, who knows if we meet again in the near future.


Omar Melendez

January 22, 2014

I hope this message finds you well. After recently completing the interview process, I have been offered an Alaska Airlines Aircraft Dispatcher position!

I’m thrilled about the opportunity and would like to thank you and the Sheffield team for the many hours of instruction that I’ve been provided. I look forward to returning soon to Sheffield and further my dispatch education in the coming months and years.
Take care,
Kyle F.alaska_logo

January 8, 2014

Thank you again for all your help lately. I’ve spoken to many people working at United and all I hear is “Sheffield is THE place to attend school.” I know there are closer schools, but nobody comes recommended like you guys, and some are not recommended at all. Just unsure which class to take – some other friends took the 5-week class and others took the 2-week class, but I guess I’ll decide soon.

P.B. (future Sheffield student) 

United Airlines logo

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  • Testimonials

    “My experience at Sheffield and my exposure to other aircraft dispatchers that did not go to Sheffield has resulted in an awareness of the superior depth and quality of the training provided by the Sheffield instructors.” CD Sidebar CD
    “This was an amazing class! Always interesting! It was like drinking from a fire hose, but I have never enjoyed a course more than this one. Thank you for a great 5 weeks & EWINS!” R.S. R.S. Testimonial – 5-weeks & EWINS
    “I entered my profession, with more knowledge and information than dispatchers who have been practicing their craft for more than ten years. Not only has Sheffield provided a top notch education, but they have also instilled in me the confidence to succeed.” A.Z. Sidebar AZ – Student Testimonial
    “Their reputation of excellence amongst the industry is second to none. Sheffield School of Aeronautics should be seen as the standard of how it can be done and how it should be done. I was hired at a major airline with no dispatch experience.” A.Z. Sidebar AZ
    “This school came highly recommended by multiple past students and EVEN OTHERS FROM OTHER SCHOOLS. Reputation is fantastic from multiple companies that I have worked for.” A. – September 2020
    ” I have received 4 (job) offers…many of the interviews I have gotten have been because of my “pedigree”…going to Sheffield. I am amazed at the respect your school has….I am honored to be a graduate. Thank you for all the work you ..!”  Testimonial – J. Ganci
    “As a graduate of Sheffield School of Aeronautics I am a firm believer that I received the most thorough and well thought out aircraft dispatcher training available. I owe my position in the industry to Sheffield School of Aeronautics.” BF Sidebar BF
    Good afternoon Eric, I wanted to reach out to let you know that training at (airline) is in full swing and I couldn’t be happier that I chose Sheffield. My classmates, while very smart, definitely had subpar training and that has been very evident. I have waited to write a full scale review of the […] Attending Sheffield School benefits airline new hires in preparation for airline training
    “I am a graduate of the Sheffield’s Dispatcher Program. I have been a Captain-Part 121 Airline, Certified Flight/Grnd Instructor, and FAA Designated Check Airman and Sim Instructor (Part 121). From my experience I would rate Sheffield School as outstanding in their field.” PT PT
    “now that I’ve been in an indoctrination class with students from other schools, I know I made the right choice with Sheffield.”   Kindest regards,  A.R.  All schools are created equal?! yeah…sure ;)
    “Sheffield School of Aeronautics is a highly recognized and respected organization throughout the airline industry. They only produce the highest quality of graduate…” P.W. Sidebar PW
    “Sheffield School of Aeronautics is known worldwide for its quality training and has been recommended to me by our national airline Swiss International Airlines. Whenever I mention the name ‘Sheffield’ it rings a bell in people’s ears.” IW IW
    “I am so glad they are like this because it made me a better dispatcher and I really appreciate their high standards. I would highly recommend Sheffield to anyone who is willing to study hard and is serious about obtaining a Dispatcher Certificate.” MC MC
    “Being that half my new hire class dropped out over the course of training, I can confidently say that Sheffield helped to prepare me for the real world.” GT – abridged testimonial – school selection matters
    “I am a month into my new job at a airline coming out of reorganization, and am helping the training department by referencing the excellent and up to date course book provided to all Sheffield grads.” RW RW
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