Air Traffic Controller Qualifications

What Are the Air Traffic Controller Qualifications 

If you are considering becoming an air traffic controller, you may be wondering if you have the qualifications to become one or if they are difficult to obtain. Air traffic controllers enjoy a fruitful and rewarding career with great benefits and even better pay, so it should be no shock to anyone that this is a popular career choice. Sheffield School of Aeronautics is experienced in all things that have to do with air traffic dispatching and controlling, and we are ready to tell you what air traffic controller qualifications are. Continue reading below to learn more. 

How to Become an Air Traffic Dispatcher

Air traffic controllers need to go through two phases of training. But before this, they need to meet specific air traffic dispatcher qualifications. These include being at least 23 years old and being able to read, speak, and write English proficiently. After meeting these prerequisites, dispatcher candidates need to accrue 200 hours of training on specific topics. However, you could take the test at 21. 

How Is Air Traffic Dispatcher Training?

The FAA mandates that all its dispatchers complete a minimum of 200 hours of training. The topics that are commonly covered in training include meteorology, NOTAM (weather and notice to airmen) interpretation and usage, learning how to interpret weather charts, wind shear and microburst, air traffic control procedures, aerodynamics, aeronautical decision making, human factors, and much more. Candidates must also take a written examination in air traffic dispatcher trade school. It is an 80 question exam that takes around three hours to complete. A passing score is valid for two years after the exam. 

Lastly, an important part of air traffic dispatcher training is the practical and oral examinations. During these exams, you will create a detailed flight plan while accounting for crucial details like weather, air traffic control procedures, company requirements, aircraft maintenance issues, aircraft performance, weight and balance, fuel management, and airport information. After completing these steps, you will have the air traffic dispatcher qualifications necessary for success. 

More About Our Air Traffic Dispatcher School 

We are a dedicated air traffic dispatcher school that is ready to help you or anyone you know achieves their career goals. We offer plenty of help through our air traffic dispatcher course by giving candidates the qualification and experience they need. Contact us today to learn more. 


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    “After receiving my certificate, I joined a class of 4 experienced dispatchers for Part 121 initial training. Without experience, my preparation at Sheffield enabled me to become active at the same time after the initial training.” PR PR
    “As a graduate of Sheffield School of Aeronautics I am a firm believer that I received the most thorough and well thought out aircraft dispatcher training available. I owe my position in the industry to Sheffield School of Aeronautics.” BF Sidebar BF
    “These men represented the highest caliber of professionalism and integrity. The education I received from these gentleman has afforded me to be gainfully employed while having the opportunity to use the education received, all over this country, and more than a few others.” WG sidebar wg
    “I wanted to tell you I got the job offer from Expressjet, and start next month! I think a couple others from class were hired as well. It just shows the Sheffield reputation when I see graduates from other schools complaining that they can’t get an interview – I wasn’t even back home to Minneapolis […] Dan Gustafson
    “now that I’ve been in an indoctrination class with students from other schools, I know I made the right choice with Sheffield.”   Kindest regards,  A.R.  All schools are created equal?! yeah…sure ;)
    “Their reputation of excellence amongst the industry is second to none. Sheffield School of Aeronautics should be seen as the standard of how it can be done and how it should be done. I was hired at a major airline with no dispatch experience.” A.Z. Sidebar AZ
    “Going to Sheffield prepared me for the real world challenges of Aircraft Dispatching. I certainly believe that the method Sheffield used is one not only for success in a real world career, but also one that prepares students to correctly dispatch aircraft.” T.Z. Sidebar TZ
    “While touring my company’s dispatch department before I had my license our OCC manager pointed out that 7 of the 10 dispatchers on shift had come from Sheffield. The overall consensus was that Sheffield grads were able to hit the ground running as they were better prepared.” K.O. Sidebar K.O.
    “I am so glad they are like this because it made me a better dispatcher and I really appreciate their high standards. I would highly recommend Sheffield to anyone who is willing to study hard and is serious about obtaining a Dispatcher Certificate.” MC MC
    “I am a graduate of the Sheffield’s Dispatcher Program. I have been a Captain-Part 121 Airline, Certified Flight/Grnd Instructor, and FAA Designated Check Airman and Sim Instructor (Part 121). From my experience I would rate Sheffield School as outstanding in their field.” PT PT
    “As a graduate of the aircraft dispatcher program at the Sheffield School of Aeronautics…My training was intense and thorough and furnished me with the requisite skills for performing my current job as a Flight Dispatch Supervisor.” N.S. Sidebar NS
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