Tag Archives: flight

How Do Airplanes Work?

An aircraft mechanic is looking at the inside components of an airplanes wing, indicating that this blog will answer how to airplanes work.

When you were a child, you probably had many questions about nature that you asked your mom, dad, teachers, or anyone who would listen. Why is the sky blue? How hot is the sun? You might even wonder about man-made products like airplanes. At one time or another, you probably asked someone, “How do airplanes […]

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Can you Fly to Antarctica

photo of Antarctica

Can You Fly Over Antarctica? 

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Is it Safe to Fly for Thanksgiving During COVID-19?

women wearing face mask and shield

The coronavirus has halted many activities and events in 2020. Although many have made their peace with not fulfilling certain plans, celebrating the holidays with loved ones may be tougher to give up for others. As we dive into the holiday season, many people are wondering, “is it safe to fly for Thanksgiving during COVID-19?” […]

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Is the COVID-19 Risk on Airplanes Really That Low?

women wearing mask and shield on flight

In an attempt to increase flying during the pandemic, airlines are promoting various studies that imply the risk of contracting COVID-19 on an airplane is low. Many healthcare professionals are supporting the idea that risk is low, sharing that the air filtration in airplanes reduces the risk of infection. Our airline dispatcher school in Fort […]

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Are You Ready to Get on a Plane Again? Traveling After Coronavirus

man at airport looking at plane take off

From airports to hotels, the coronavirus outbreak and its rapid spread across the world has made an impact on the travel industry. The million-dollar question of the year: will travel recover? The follow up question: are you ready to get on a plane again? Traveling after coronavirus will look different than prior to the pandemic, […]

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Do You Have to Wear a Mask on a Plane?

three face masks

Flying will never be the same as it was before the COVID-19 outbreak. As the country and world begin to open back up, traveling by plane is going to feel a lot different. One significant change is the requirement to wear a face mask on a plane. Airlines are ruling out new policies for passengers […]

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    “These men represented the highest caliber of professionalism and integrity. The education I received from these gentleman has afforded me to be gainfully employed while having the opportunity to use the education received, all over this country, and more than a few others.” WG sidebar wg
    Good afternoon Eric, I wanted to reach out to let you know that training at (airline) is in full swing and I couldn’t be happier that I chose Sheffield. My classmates, while very smart, definitely had subpar training and that has been very evident. I have waited to write a full scale review of the […] Attending Sheffield School benefits airline new hires in preparation for airline training
    “While touring my company’s dispatch department before I had my license our OCC manager pointed out that 7 of the 10 dispatchers on shift had come from Sheffield. The overall consensus was that Sheffield grads were able to hit the ground running as they were better prepared.” K.O. Sidebar K.O.
    “This was an amazing class! Always interesting! It was like drinking from a fire hose, but I have never enjoyed a course more than this one. Thank you for a great 5 weeks & EWINS!” R.S. R.S. Testimonial – 5-weeks & EWINS
    “After receiving my certificate, I joined a class of 4 experienced dispatchers for Part 121 initial training. Without experience, my preparation at Sheffield enabled me to become active at the same time after the initial training.” PR PR
    “My experience at Sheffield and my exposure to other aircraft dispatchers that did not go to Sheffield has resulted in an awareness of the superior depth and quality of the training provided by the Sheffield instructors.” CD Sidebar CD
    “Their reputation of excellence amongst the industry is second to none. Sheffield School of Aeronautics should be seen as the standard of how it can be done and how it should be done. I was hired at a major airline with no dispatch experience.” A.Z. Sidebar AZ
    “I wanted to tell you I got the job offer from Expressjet, and start next month! I think a couple others from class were hired as well. It just shows the Sheffield reputation when I see graduates from other schools complaining that they can’t get an interview – I wasn’t even back home to Minneapolis […] Dan Gustafson
    “This school came highly recommended by multiple past students and EVEN OTHERS FROM OTHER SCHOOLS. Reputation is fantastic from multiple companies that I have worked for.” A. – September 2020
    “If you want to be the best, first you need to be trained by the best!” P. Hill P.Hill – DHL
    ” I have received 4 (job) offers…many of the interviews I have gotten have been because of my “pedigree”…going to Sheffield. I am amazed at the respect your school has….I am honored to be a graduate. Thank you for all the work you ..!”  Testimonial – J. Ganci
    “I am a graduate of the Sheffield’s Dispatcher Program. I have been a Captain-Part 121 Airline, Certified Flight/Grnd Instructor, and FAA Designated Check Airman and Sim Instructor (Part 121). From my experience I would rate Sheffield School as outstanding in their field.” PT PT
    “now that I’ve been in an indoctrination class with students from other schools, I know I made the right choice with Sheffield.”   Kindest regards,  A.R.  All schools are created equal?! yeah…sure ;)
    “Going to Sheffield prepared me for the real world challenges of Aircraft Dispatching. I certainly believe that the method Sheffield used is one not only for success in a real world career, but also one that prepares students to correctly dispatch aircraft.” T.Z. Sidebar TZ
    “I am so glad they are like this because it made me a better dispatcher and I really appreciate their high standards. I would highly recommend Sheffield to anyone who is willing to study hard and is serious about obtaining a Dispatcher Certificate.” MC MC
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