Tag Archives: plane

Do Airplanes Fly Directly Over the Pacific Ocean? 

A clear blue sky is seen above serene ocean waters.

Anyone who has traveled to locations in the Pacific knows that there are very few flights that fly over the entire ocean. Rather, they choose curved routes that fly over larger bodies of land. If you are interested in becoming a flight dispatcher, you are most likely curious about the best way to plan a […]

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Does Rain Cancel Flights?

A white plane is on the ground at the airport and there are raindrops on the camera lens, indicating bad weather.

Many people worry when they realize that it is raining on the day of their flight. But does rain cancel flights? They think the rain might delay or even cancel their flight. Rain itself will rarely even delay a flight, let alone cancel it. While the weather is a crucial factor regarding when or if […]

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How Are Flight Paths Determined?

A global map with airplanes and flight paths connecting various continents, representing the complexity of flight path planning, with the Sheffield School of Aeronautics logo in the top left corner.

Air travel is a marvel of modern technology, and determining flight paths is one of the most intricate and vital aspects of aviation. Flight path determination involves planning the most efficient, safe, and cost-effective routes for airplanes to travel between destinations. This process requires careful coordination between airline dispatchers, pilots, and air traffic controllers, as […]

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Weather Emergency Flight Planning: A Dispatcher’s Role

Photo-realistic image divided into four quadrants depicting different weather conditions impacting aviation: a city skyline under heavy rain, a colorful radar map of a hurricane, an airplane parked on a wet tarmac near a control tower, and a plane on the tarmac under clear skies with snow melting.

In aviation, the importance of weather emergency flight planning cannot be overstated. Aircraft dispatchers play a pivotal role in ensuring the safety and efficiency of flights when faced with adverse weather conditions. From monitoring aviation weather systems to collaborating with pilots, dispatchers are the behind-the-scenes experts ensuring flights navigate safely through storms, turbulence, or other […]

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Top Skills for Pilots and Dispatchers: Working Together

Pilot's hand on the throttle in an aircraft cockpit, symbolizing teamwork and communication between pilots and dispatchers for safe and efficient flight operations.

Collaboration between pilots and dispatchers is essential to ensuring safe and efficient flight operations. While both roles are distinct, they rely heavily on each other for critical decision-making and smooth communication. Dispatchers manage flight planning and logistics from the ground, while pilots execute these plans in the air. There are some top skills for pilots […]

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Online Aircraft Dispatcher Courses: The Evolution of Remote Learning

Young man in a headset studying on a laptop from home, symbolizing the flexibility and accessibility of remote learning for aspiring aircraft dispatchers.

Remote learning has revolutionized the way professionals enter the aviation industry, particularly in the field of aircraft dispatch. For decades, aircraft dispatcher programs were limited to on-campus training, requiring students to relocate or commute to schools like Sheffield School of Aeronautics. With the evolution of remote learning, there are now online aircraft dispatcher courses, making […]

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How Do Aircraft Wings Work?

An airplane wing with a sunset behind it can be seen through the oval-shaped window of an airplane.

Did you ever wonder, “How do aircraft wings work?” Airplane wings work by generating lift, a force that allows the plane to rise and stay in the air. The wing’s shape, typically curved on top and flatter on the bottom, creates a pressure difference as air flows over and under the wing. Faster-moving air over […]

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What Are FAA-Approved Dispatcher Schools?

A large, bronze sign that reads “Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration” is in front of a tall, grayish building with many windows. This helps us understand that the blog is related, and it’s called FAA Dispatcher Schools.

Are you contemplating becoming a flight dispatcher? If so, you’ve probably heard of the FAA or that you must attend one of the FAA-approved dispatcher schools like Sheffield School of Aeronautics. But what does “FAA” stand for? The abbreviation FAA stands for the Federal Aviation Administration.  Established in 1958, the Federal Aviation Administration regulates all aspects […]

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How Do Airplanes Work?

An aircraft mechanic is looking at the inside components of an airplanes wing, indicating that this blog will answer how to airplanes work.

When you were a child, you probably had many questions about nature that you asked your mom, dad, teachers, or anyone who would listen. Why is the sky blue? How hot is the sun? You might even wonder about man-made products like airplanes. At one time or another, you probably asked someone, “How do airplanes […]

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Flight Planning and Dispatch Essentials: Understanding Routes, Weather, and Regulations

The world is seen in green and blue as if it were a globe, and rays of light arcs from one place to another, almost as if it was tracking a flight plan. There are 13 of these arcs visible, and where the arc ends, it lands in a white, glowing circle. Also visible is the mostly green logo for Sheffield School of aeronautics.

  Flight planning is a critical aspect of aviation that ensures safe and efficient journeys from takeoff to landing. For aircraft dispatchers and pilots alike, understanding the essentials of flight planning involves delving into three key areas: routes, weather, and regulations. This comprehensive guide explains how these elements are crucial in flight planning and dispatching. […]

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    “If you want to be the best, first you need to be trained by the best!” P. Hill P.Hill – DHL
    “I am a month into my new job at a airline coming out of reorganization, and am helping the training department by referencing the excellent and up to date course book provided to all Sheffield grads.” RW RW
    “This was an amazing class! Always interesting! It was like drinking from a fire hose, but I have never enjoyed a course more than this one. Thank you for a great 5 weeks & EWINS!” R.S. R.S. Testimonial – 5-weeks & EWINS
    “These men represented the highest caliber of professionalism and integrity. The education I received from these gentleman has afforded me to be gainfully employed while having the opportunity to use the education received, all over this country, and more than a few others.” WG sidebar wg
    “Sheffield School of Aeronautics is a highly recognized and respected organization throughout the airline industry. They only produce the highest quality of graduate…” P.W. Sidebar PW
    ” I have received 4 (job) offers…many of the interviews I have gotten have been because of my “pedigree”…going to Sheffield. I am amazed at the respect your school has….I am honored to be a graduate. Thank you for all the work you ..!”  Testimonial – J. Ganci
    “now that I’ve been in an indoctrination class with students from other schools, I know I made the right choice with Sheffield.”   Kindest regards,  A.R.  All schools are created equal?! yeah…sure ;)
    “Sheffield School of Aeronautics is known worldwide for its quality training and has been recommended to me by our national airline Swiss International Airlines. Whenever I mention the name ‘Sheffield’ it rings a bell in people’s ears.” IW IW
    “My experience at Sheffield and my exposure to other aircraft dispatchers that did not go to Sheffield has resulted in an awareness of the superior depth and quality of the training provided by the Sheffield instructors.” CD Sidebar CD
    “As a graduate of Sheffield School of Aeronautics I am a firm believer that I received the most thorough and well thought out aircraft dispatcher training available. I owe my position in the industry to Sheffield School of Aeronautics.” BF Sidebar BF
    “Their reputation of excellence amongst the industry is second to none. Sheffield School of Aeronautics should be seen as the standard of how it can be done and how it should be done. I was hired at a major airline with no dispatch experience.” A.Z. Sidebar AZ
    “I am so glad they are like this because it made me a better dispatcher and I really appreciate their high standards. I would highly recommend Sheffield to anyone who is willing to study hard and is serious about obtaining a Dispatcher Certificate.” MC MC
    “As a graduate of the aircraft dispatcher program at the Sheffield School of Aeronautics…My training was intense and thorough and furnished me with the requisite skills for performing my current job as a Flight Dispatch Supervisor.” N.S. Sidebar NS
    “Eric Morris is one of the most if not the most knowledgeable and experienced authorities on Aircraft Dispatching in the United States. He strives constantly to make the industry better.” DH sidebar DH
    “Being that half my new hire class dropped out over the course of training, I can confidently say that Sheffield helped to prepare me for the real world.” GT – abridged testimonial – school selection matters
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