Naomi Campbell’s Elaborate Airplane Cleaning Routine

naomi campbell


Last week, Naomi Campbell made headlines for a meticulous airplane ritual she performs just before takeoff: cleaning. Having a world-renowned career that spans over three decades, it comes as no surprise that Campbell has developed an elaborate airplane cleaning routine over the years.

On her YouTube channel, “Being Naomi,” Campbell shares the details of her plane cleaning regimen, and it’s as peculiar as one would think. The five-minute clip starts with the British supermodel walking through Nice International Airport to board a flight on Qatar Airlines. She stops by a few duty-free shops to pick up fashion magazines, sweets and pointing out her favorite skincare creams. Once boarding Business Class, she pulls out an array of cleaning products and tools to wipe down her seat.

Model Behavior

First, she puts on rubber gloves and pulls out anti-bacterial wipes to wipe down the area to clean “anything that you could possibly touch.”

“This is what I do on every plane I get on,” said Campbell. “I do not care what people think of me.” The 49-year-old model continued to wipe down her seat, seat belt, tray, remote, window, and TV screen. She made sure not to miss a spot as she cleaned the overhead controls. Then, the model pulls out her bright pink seat cover to drape over her chair while explaining she picked out the color as it makes her feel happy.

Once she takes a seat, Campbell shows off an array of hydration masks and, afterward, puts on a surgical face mask. “No matter what plane you take, private, or commercial, as the plane descends, people start coughing and sneezing,” said Campbell. “And the coughing and sneezing makes me – I just can’t. This is my protection from people coughing and sneezing”

Naomi Campbell went on to say that with how much she flies around the world, she’s surprised she doesn’t get sick often.  She gives thanks to her elaborate airplane cleaning routine for helping her remain healthy.


Some may say this is a bit extreme but given that Campbell travels international almost all the time, you can’t really blame her. Do you have an elaborate airplane cleaning routine of your own? Feel free to let us know in the comment section below. Do you have any questions about our aviation school and the aircraft dispatcher courses we offer? Reach out to a member of our professional staff to learn more.

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