Do not purchase regulations books and the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) to read through and study (as I’ve seen recommended on the internet). Without proper guidance, you may waste valuable time or misinterpret something. A good portion of subject matter discussed and applied in class is not found in commercially-available books.
To help prepare for the course, study the FAA knowledge material on our web site. That is not really what our course is about – self study – but it will give you a head start in preparing for the FAA ADX test. Other than that, you can visit our “aviation bookstore” online and check out the weather books since we apply a lot of weather in the course.
We don’t really supply FAA books in the course since you can get them for free on the Internet. We write our own manuals and sections to study. For some free books, go to “dispatcher resources” on our site and you can link to Regulations, Weather circulars (Aviation Weather Services) from the FAA, and the Aeronautical Information Manual. All are helpful information to browse through or print out to give you an idea of the type of material involved in the course.
If you want to pursue regulations ahead of time, the main sections are FAR Part 121 – Subparts T & U. These subparts contains the majority of dispatch rules and procedures that you will apply in the course and on the job.