How Does Time Change Affect Flights?

The main thing to understand is that a time change will never affect the actual duration of a flight. For the most part, this will always stay the same. A flight from New York to Los Angeles will always last for the same duration, more or less around 5 hours. Even if you knew this, you might have wondered, “How does time change affect flights?” Keep reading to learn more.

Sheffield School of Aeronautics is one of the best aircraft dispatching schools that offers in-person and online flight dispatcher courses. Below we have put together a guide to inform you on if and how daylight savings will affect flight times. In this, we also discuss tips regarding understanding daylight savings time and how this affects flight schedules.


Does Daylight Savings Affect Flight Times?

Most aviation businesses observe UTC, which stands for coordinated universal time. UTC time is the primary standard by which the world regulates clocks and time. This is used internationally. Flight plans and air traffic control all use UTC to avoid confusion about time zones when organizing flights.

Sunlight, daylight, and twilight all happen every day. This is a resource that those in aviation will use to determine time slots rather than using actual times. This is because, as we know, time is very fluid. Here are some tips for traveling during daylights savings:

  • Travel within your own time zone to avoid jet lag.
  • Use technology to your advantage.
  • Trust your boarding pass.
  • Be prepared to travel in the dark.
  • Get more than enough sleep before your travel day starts.

While there is nothing you can do to avoid a time change when traveling out of your time zone, the best thing that you can do is be as prepared as possible for it. Do the proper research and make sure that you take care of your health and your body. This will help you tackle the obstacle of a time change as easily as possible.

Do Flight Times Change With Daylight Savings?

Daylight savings will affect local scheduled flights just like it would affect your local live television schedule. Your plane ticket will always go by local time. While it is understandable that you might worry about daylight savings time, the airport typically handles this for you. For example, they will notify you if there are any time changes or anything else that you will need to be aware of. Additionally, the scheduled time of the flight will generally not change from one hour to the next unless it is delayed for technical or other reasons.

More About Sheffield School of Aeronautics

Sheffield School of Aeronautics is an experienced flight dispatcher school that is here to make sure that our students receive the best training possible for their careers. We can answer any questions you have about daylight savings in relation to your already scheduled flights. This includes questions such as, “How does time change affect flights?”  We would also be happy to provide you with additional information about the classes that we offer to prospective aeronautics students.

If you are looking for a flight dispatch course, our classrooms and professors are some of the most cutting-edge available. This translates to our airline dispatcher school being ready to ensure that you can accomplish the aeronautics career that you desire. Contact us today to learn more about international flight planning, flight plans for private planes, or becoming an FAA dispatcher.

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    ” I have received 4 (job) offers…many of the interviews I have gotten have been because of my “pedigree”…going to Sheffield. I am amazed at the respect your school has….I am honored to be a graduate. Thank you for all the work you ..!”  Testimonial – J. Ganci
    “Eric Morris is one of the most if not the most knowledgeable and experienced authorities on Aircraft Dispatching in the United States. He strives constantly to make the industry better.” DH sidebar DH
    “My experience at Sheffield and my exposure to other aircraft dispatchers that did not go to Sheffield has resulted in an awareness of the superior depth and quality of the training provided by the Sheffield instructors.” CD Sidebar CD
    “As a graduate of Sheffield School of Aeronautics I am a firm believer that I received the most thorough and well thought out aircraft dispatcher training available. I owe my position in the industry to Sheffield School of Aeronautics.” BF Sidebar BF
    “Going to Sheffield prepared me for the real world challenges of Aircraft Dispatching. I certainly believe that the method Sheffield used is one not only for success in a real world career, but also one that prepares students to correctly dispatch aircraft.” T.Z. Sidebar TZ
    “I am so glad they are like this because it made me a better dispatcher and I really appreciate their high standards. I would highly recommend Sheffield to anyone who is willing to study hard and is serious about obtaining a Dispatcher Certificate.” MC MC
    “This was an amazing class! Always interesting! It was like drinking from a fire hose, but I have never enjoyed a course more than this one. Thank you for a great 5 weeks & EWINS!” R.S. R.S. Testimonial – 5-weeks & EWINS
    “While touring my company’s dispatch department before I had my license our OCC manager pointed out that 7 of the 10 dispatchers on shift had come from Sheffield. The overall consensus was that Sheffield grads were able to hit the ground running as they were better prepared.” K.O. Sidebar K.O.
    “Sheffield School of Aeronautics is known worldwide for its quality training and has been recommended to me by our national airline Swiss International Airlines. Whenever I mention the name ‘Sheffield’ it rings a bell in people’s ears.” IW IW
    “Sheffield School of Aeronautics is a highly recognized and respected organization throughout the airline industry. They only produce the highest quality of graduate…” P.W. Sidebar PW
    “I am a graduate of the Sheffield’s Dispatcher Program. I have been a Captain-Part 121 Airline, Certified Flight/Grnd Instructor, and FAA Designated Check Airman and Sim Instructor (Part 121). From my experience I would rate Sheffield School as outstanding in their field.” PT PT
    “As a graduate of the aircraft dispatcher program at the Sheffield School of Aeronautics…My training was intense and thorough and furnished me with the requisite skills for performing my current job as a Flight Dispatch Supervisor.” N.S. Sidebar NS
    “These men represented the highest caliber of professionalism and integrity. The education I received from these gentleman has afforded me to be gainfully employed while having the opportunity to use the education received, all over this country, and more than a few others.” WG sidebar wg
    “I entered my profession, with more knowledge and information than dispatchers who have been practicing their craft for more than ten years. Not only has Sheffield provided a top notch education, but they have also instilled in me the confidence to succeed.” A.Z. Sidebar AZ – Student Testimonial
    “I wanted to tell you I got the job offer from Expressjet, and start next month! I think a couple others from class were hired as well. It just shows the Sheffield reputation when I see graduates from other schools complaining that they can’t get an interview – I wasn’t even back home to Minneapolis […] Dan Gustafson
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