Double-Decker Seats: The Future of Airplane Travel

People using new Zephyr double-decker style airplane seat design

Photo courtesy of Zephyr Aerospace

Stepping onto an airplane is going to look a lot different after the coronavirus subsides. Aircraft are going to be completely redesigned for the health and safety of their passengers. One of the latest aircraft seat designs is the double-decker seat. The Zephyr Seat is offering economy-class riders upgraded comfort and privacy. Learn more about the future of airplane travel from the experts at our aircraft dispatcher school in Fort Lauderdale.

New Airplane Seat Design

More and more designers are coming up with new aircraft solutions for air travel amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. As passengers express more concern for their health and safety, designers are trying to find solutions. The Zephyr Seat designer, Jeffrey O’Neill, told CNN his seats could be a game-changer when it comes to air travel.1

Economy airplane cabins are going to be able to maintain the same number of seats without having to compromise space. You see, with these double-decker seats, there will be a 2-4-2 configuration that allows for so much more privacy than ever before. While most aircraft seats and airplane cabins included seats that were in a fixed upright position simply made it almost impossible to sleep or be comfortable. In fact, according to Zephyr Aerospace, sitting in an upright position forces unnatural postures over long periods of time and can damage health.2  

Upgrading your seat is not an option for a good majority of passengers. Premium economy seats provide a few extra inches of legroom, but without a lie-flat feature. Most travelers agreed they would rather be able to lie flat and rest rather than have lounge access, in-flight meals, and even being able to bring extra baggage.2  

The double-decker seats by Zephyr Aerospace might be the solution to your air travel concerns. The Zephyr Seats introduce a social distancing compliant seat that won’t disrupt your flight while making flying safe again. Enjoy comfort and privacy in your individual airplane cabin as an Economy Class traveler. You can sit upright while extending your legs, lounge or even lie completely flat thanks to the double-decker seats.2

The Future of Airplane Travel

While the COVID-19 pandemic continues to disrupt the world, the future of airplane travel is still unclear. However, with new designs like the double-decker seats, the industry is traveling in the right direction when it comes to finding a solution to the concerns of air travelers.

The Zephyr Seats have come up with a solution that utilizes the space that already exists in aircraft between a standard seat and the overhead bins.1 The seats will have to go through extensive safety tests, which could potentially take roughly three years to complete. Although new airline seats are in the works, it might take years to implement these designs. For now, you must follow proper health and safety guidelines outlined by the CDC in your daily life as well as when you travel.

Sheffield School of Aeronautics is one of the oldest aviation training institutions in the United States, where you can take a flight dispatcher course and obtain your FAA dispatcher license. Sheffield has an outstanding reputation in the aviation industry, recognized for aircraft dispatcher training by companies like Delta, United, KLM, American, Virgin Australia, Cayman Airways, Shanghai/China Eastern, ExpressJet, Federal Express, UPS, Ford Motor Company, General Motors, United Technologies, Mobil Oil, Gulf Air, Atlantic Southeast, Comair, Mesaba, Horizon, American Trans Air, and many others. If you’re interested in becoming an aircraft dispatcher, contact us to get started: 954-581-6022.


  1. CNN – Is this double-decker seat the future of airplane travel?
  2. Republic – Zephyr Aerospace
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