Worldwide Aviation Job Trends

As the oldest aircraft dispatcher school in the United States, we have watched the aviation industry change dramatically over the years. We have seen how advances in technology have impacted the field and the various aviation career trend shifts.  If you are contemplating a career in aviation, our aeronautics school wants to help. We are taking a look into aviation trends around the world and how they could affect your future in the aviation field.

man sitting in the blurred interior of an airplane

Aviation Job Market Outlook

If you have been paying attention to the news, you may have noticed talk of a pilot crisis or shortage, but pilots are not the only aviation jobs in demand. Boeing estimated that between 2018-2037, the new pilot demand will reach 790,000, the new technician demand will reach 754,000, and the new cabin crew demand will reach 890,000.1

Overall, the aviation job trends are showing high demand. For various reasons, people are using air travel more often and the industry is often struggling to fill these demands. In the 1960s, the number of annual air travelers was about 100 million and in 2017 this number reached over 4 billion.1 These high demands in the aviation field could lead to increased salaries and greater benefits to draw people to these various aviation positions. There is also the possibility of leaning on technology to fill these roles, but this is probably years away from fruition.

Another notable aspect to aviation job trends is the slow increase of women in the various job fields. In the United States, the number of commercial female pilots from 2000 to 2017 increased from 4.77% to 6.38% of the total commercial pilots; also the percentage flight dispatchers in the country that are female increased from 12.62% in 2000 to 18.71% in 2017.2  These trends suggest that more and more women are looking for careers in aviation, but there is still plenty of room for more, especially in other countries around the world. In the United Kingdom, the percentage of female pilots increased from 3.4% in 2008 to 4.3% in 2016, and the estimated percentage of female pilots in total around the globe is 5.2%.3

With the demand so high, now is a great time to begin you career in the aviation industry. At Sheffield School of Aeronautics, we have the experienced flight dispatcher training  you need to begin your career as an aircraft dispatcher. To learn more about how to get your FAA dispatcher certification and our aircraft dispatcher program, contact us today.


  1. Boeing- Commercial Market Outlook 2018-2037
  2. Women in Aviation, International- Current Statistics of Women in Aviation Careers in U.S.
  3. Centre For Aviation- Women airline pilots: a tiny percentage, and only growing slowly


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