Qualities of the Best Aircraft Dispatchers
Being an aircraft dispatcher is certainly not a walk in the park. It takes a person with the right personality traits and strengths to not only do well in the job but also enjoy it. If you are thinking about pursuing a career as an aircraft dispatcher and getting your FAA dispatch license, you may first want to determine if your personality is a good fit for the job. At Sheffield School of Aeronautics, we are a flight dispatcher school that wants to not only see our students succeed but also enjoy themselves along the way.
Important Aircraft Dispatcher Personality Traits
As one of the oldest aircraft dispatcher schools in the world, we see people of all backgrounds and personalities go through our dispatcher program. While all have the ability to be successful, there are some consistent aircraft dispatcher personality traits that make up the qualities of the best aircraft dispatchers.
A good aircraft dispatcher must be organized in order to succeed. Aircraft dispatchers are responsible for most of the pre-flight preparations and creating a full, comprehensive flight plan. Often times, crew members and even the pilots follow their lead. The job also requires you to fill out a lot of different detailed paperwork. If you are not organized, you will neglect to successfully complete your responsibilities and your paperwork. Your lack of organization could translate to chaos on a flight.
Similar to being organized, being detailed-oriented is another common quality of the best aircraft dispatchers. A person who is detail-oriented will be able to create a complete and satisfactory flight plan that takes all of the different factors into account. Paying attention to details will also help an aircraft dispatcher complete the required paperwork correctly.
Good Communication Skills
Because you are constantly communicating between pilots and flight controllers, communication should be one of your strengths. Not only should you be able to effectively communicate what you need, but also you should be good at active listening. Selective hearing on this job could lead to dangerous situations.
Calm Under Pressure
As an aircraft dispatcher, there are times when you will have to juggle multiple flights at once. You may need to switch back and forth between flights and will constantly face strict deadlines. If you let the pressure get the best of you, you are certain to start making what could become costly mistakes.
Of course, this list is not all inclusive, but if you think you possess a lot of these personality traits, then flight dispatcher school may be for you. Even if you think you have room for improvement in these areas, that’s what training is for. Contact Sheffield School of Aeronautics to learn more about getting started on your path to becoming an aircraft dispatcher.